t w o: awkward loner(s?)

86 5 3

Explanation: Hindi and Sanskrit are languages, along with Tamil one of which you are supposed to learn. Yeah, I think that's it. Also, 'shit' sidn't considered as swearing in India, so yeah.

When Zoya talks about how annoying Megha telling her shit is a bad word is, this is the reason for that.

Bye. x


It's day two, and Rhea doesn't know where second language is. It sucks, really, the fact that she doesn't know her way around school.

That is probably the reason she'd rather stay in class during lunch rather than go out.

Also, she doesn't have friends, so she can't really stand outside class and discuss whatever the hell people here discuss.

People in Delhi discussed TV soaps, crappy shows she had no interest in watching but they loved.

Who cares if two random people get married/cheat on each other/have kids or not?

Them, apparently. What a bunch of idiots.

She has been excluded from social life and made to sit with Zoya who she doesn't know at all or particularly like.

People here are mean.

She focuses of the task at hand.

How do I get to Sanskrit?

She has second language next and doesn't know the way there.

Ishika calls her name so she turns around. Ishika says, "Do you like Nikita?"

"I don't know who that is . . ."she trails off.

"I don't like her, she's bossy." Ishika tells her, and Megha tries to make her shut up by elbowing her in the rib but misses and kind of . . . elbows her in the boob instead. Yeah.

Megha says sorry and then says something into Ishika's ear. Rhea can't hear them but knows what they're saying.

You aren't supposed to tell people you don't know if you hate someone. Stuff like that spreads like wildfire. She knows from experience.

"What? She's annoying! Everybody hates her." Ishika says, louder than she should've, and they get a few stares from people. Zoya chuckles, and Rhea almost forgot she was there.

The bell rings and Ishika asks, "What's your second language?"


"Oh? Isn't your mother tongue Hindi?" Megha frowns, "Why are you in Sanskrit then?"

"Um, yeah, I know Hindi real well, I mean, I can, like, speak it, but my spelling is terrible, and I find Sanskrit easier."

"Ah, okay."

Rhea nods.

"Do you know where your class is?" Ishika inquires and Rhea decides she likes her better of the two best friends.

"No, actually. I don't."

"Priyanka!" Ishika calls out, "Can you take Rhea to Sanskrit? She doesn't know where it is."

Yup, definitely the better of the two.

Two girls walk up to her then, one of them is really tall with really long hair; the other one is fairly shorter and she's Priyanka, the monitor chick.

"Hey," Priyanka smiles, "This is Pia and I'm Priyanka."

Rhea smiles back, "I'm Rhea, but you probably know that."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2014 ⏰

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