Of Love and Other Charms (Seokjin x reader | Hogwarts AU)

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Fandom: BTS
Reader-insert: Female
Warning: Cursing

"So... what do you know about charms?" you were standing in front Seokjin who was sitting at his desk.

"Everything. I'm Prince Charming after all," he winked and blew a kiss in your direction. You looked at him with an unamused face.

You two were the only ones in the classroom because your Charms Professor had asked you to be Jin's tutor since he failed the last exam. And if he did not want to spend his holidays at Hogwarts taking the summer course, he would have to study hard to pass the make-up test. You accepted seemingly reluctant to the fact that you, being a Slytherin, had to tutor a Gryffindor. However, you were actually happy and eager to spend that Friday afternoon with 'Mr. Worldwide Handsome' as he himself and almost all the witches in the whole castle called him.

"Since you got the lowest mark on the last exam you should be called 'Prince Failure', instead," you smirked and he feigned to be offended by your snarky remark.

"Well, since you got the highest mark, does that mean you are 'Princess Charming'?"

"I'm 'Princess shut-the-fuck-up-before-I-turn-you-into-a-frog'," you picked up your wand from the desk.

"So then you'll kiss me and I'll turn into THE Prince Charming?" he smiled playfully at you before continuing, "you don't need to turn me into a frog to kiss me, you know?" he winked and pursed his lips in a kissing manner, teasing you.

"Conversio—" you began.

"No! I'll shut up!" he yelled, desperately waving his hands in front of him.

"Good," you sighed in annoyance, "please tell me you, at least, know what a charm is."

"A charm is a spell that adds or changes certain properties of an object or creature," he stated.

"Yes, indeed. You are not as stupid as you look. That's great," you said sardonically.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment, princess?" he smirked.

"Don't call me that," your cheeks turned slightly pink and he snickered.

"I still don't understand how are charms different from transfiguration spells?"

"You need to pay more attention in class, idiot. Professor Wordsworth is always repeating the difference," he just shrugged and you sighed through your nose loudly, "the difference is that charms change or add a particular property to an object or creature, as you said before, while transfiguration spells will change it into something utterly different. Like..." your eyes roamed around the room, "that owl, for instance," you pointed to the bird with your wand and swayed your wrist softly up, down and then to the right, "vera verto," the owl instantly turned into a water goblet. After a moment, you turned the animal back to normal.

"Woah!" his eyes became as big as saucers.

"You shouldn't be surprised, idiot. That's a second year transfiguring spell," you shook your head.

"Can I try it?" he asked excitedly.

"Of course not. I'm here to teach you charms not transfiguring spells. Make your notebook levitate, now."

"Isn't that a first-year charm?"

"It is," you grimaced, "so you better not fuck up."

"Wingardium leviosa," he said, moving his hand up slowly as his notebook floated up in the air.

"Good, now put it back slow and carefully," he did as he was told and in a few seconds, the object was back in its place, "good job," he smiled happily at your encouraging words, "I wouldn't be that happy if I were you. It is a first-year spell, after all."

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