It would be a two day drive heading back to Sanctuary, and with this many animals, it was not going to be easy. I saw one trailer being loaded with feed, seed for planting, and several mechanical planters and harvesters that were designed to be pulled by horses. Roland almost needed more trucks and trailers...

Roland had said that we were going to stop at a settlement tomorrow evening, so I hoped that the trade goods we promised those people were near the doors. I didn't want to unload an entire trailer just to get to it. I went down to help Diane with the cooking. The flatbread was almost done and I flipped it in the pan as Diane checked the stew.

The trading was almost completely done. Diane turned to me, "The stew is ready. Can you let the others know?"

It was going to be an early supper since the food had cooked unusually fast. I nodded and went off to let those around the trailers know that supper was ready. Most headed towards the fire although a few were just finishing up whatever they were doing. I looked around to ensure that I hadn't missed anyone who might have been out of my sight.

I grinned and headed over to the gate as Trish, Nathan, Matthew, and Ace approached. I met them just inside the gate. Trish was carrying her daughter, "Hey Laura, how are things going?"

I grinned at her, "Pretty good. Stew is ready if you want to join us for supper."

Nathan shook his head, "Nah, we just finished eating. Thanks for the offer though."

It didn't take long to reach the fire. Diane grinned as she saw her friends approach. I quickly took a seat beside her before I lost my favorite spot. I always sat on Diane's right hand side if I could.

Diane grinned at Matthew, "You left those group members of yours alone without supervision? For all you know, I could have told them where the spare key for your office is located."

Matthew made a face, "I wasn't aware that you knew about that key. I will have to find another hiding place for it now. Technically the Group Leaders are only responsible for their members during the working hours."

Diane clearly didn't believe him, "Well, that just gives them a lot of time to have fun at your expense then."

Matthew sent a very light punch at her shoulder, "The insolence that poor Roland has to put up with. I don't know how he manages."

Diane grinned at his teasing words and playful punch, "You managed to survive having me in your group for so long, so I am sure that you will survive what they are about to do with your office."

I giggled at their playful bantering. I didn't doubt Diane's claims though, although I have no idea when she managed to pull one of her old group members aside to plan this. Matthew didn't look too worried though. He probably didn't have much reason to be since most groups were a very close knit bunch.

They wouldn't do anything really bad or nasty. Now if Diane had been in there helping them, then he would probably be more worried since Diane was a high energy whirlwind with too much imagination and a lot of experience at pranks. I wondered how she had found out about that key...

Trish looked at the animals in various pens around the camp, "I can't believe you are going to get all of those critters in those trailers."

I grinned at Trish, "We have a lot of practice."

Trish burst out laughing at my dry tone, "I bet you do."

We kept visiting as the sun slowly started setting. Nathan or Trish occasionally paused to look around with a wondering gaze as a sea of blue eyes slowly started glowing in the lower light. They didn't seem overly bothered or uneasy about it though.

A Different Virus - Laura's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now