Sharing of Secrets

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A/N Thank you so much for all of the views, everyone! You have really made my week quite a bit better! I can hardly believe that we have reached over 200 views! I would very much like to thank @ReginaWojniak for voting and adding this story to her Reading List! Finals week is this coming week and then I'll be on Christmas break. Yay! So, if you would like me to update this more than once a week--especially since I seem to have quite a bit more motivation to write this story over any of the other ones I've started--just drop a comment or message me with such a request. I hope you enjoy this newest update!

Undertaker did not knock on the door to Sebastian's room; he simply walked right in. He blinked a few times as he saw what was going on in the room before stepping back out, closing the door, and heading back to Raduriel's room. He opened that door without knocking as well. He froze in the doorway for a second time. He could only see Raduriel's head. The rest of her was covered by huge silver wings. It wasn't the fact she had wings that stunned him though. It was the large pink scar running diagonally across her wings, starting just below her shoulder and going all the way down to her opposite hip. Mastema quickly turned to face him, stepping between him and her mistress. She growled and her eyes glowed brightly.

^You are not-^ Raduriel turned around and placed a hand on her servant's shoulder. Her eyes were a bright silver. Her voice was calm and made Mastema shiver.

"It is not your place to scold and threaten him, Mastema. You have done your work here. You may go now, and continue your original investigation." She nodded and disappeared. Raduriel moved her focus over to the mortician in the doorway.

"Either come the rest of the way into the room or leave, Undertaker. Close the door." She stood up and moved to close the curtains, her wings fading away until not even a silver shimmer remains as she does so. Undertaker comes in and closes the door a little hesitantly. He spoke quietly.

~I'm sorry, Raduriel.~ She kept her back to him.

"What are you apologizing for, Undertaker?" He scratched the back of his head.

~For pushing you to fight Sebastian. And for not knocking. But only the second because it seemed as if you didn't want me to see your wings.~ She nodded slowly and moved over to the bed. She lay down on the bed under the covers and curled up with her back to him. Undertaker shuffled on his feet near the door, very unsure of what to do now. Raduriel cleared her throat.

"What do you want, Undertaker?" He continued to shift uncomfortably.

~Um...well, do you accept my apology?~ She shrugged, and he sighed. He looked over and saw her curl up even more, almost as if she was cold. He took off his hat and set it aside before moving over to the bed. She stiffened when he lay down above the covers and held her close.

~I really am sorry, Raduriel. What can I do to get you to forgive me?~ She shrugged again, but slowly relaxed in his arms, which caused him to smile lightly. He thought for a little bit.

~What...What if I...What if I told you one of my secrets? Would we be even?~ She remained silent for a few moments before rolling over to face him. She nodded slowly. He took a few deep breaths before gaining the courage to continue.

~Would...would you like to know... my real name?~ She once again took time to think before nodding.

"I'll...I'll show you my true form if you tell me your real name." He took another deep breath before closing his eyes.

~Adrian Crevan. That is my true name.~ He opened his eyes as she brushed his hair from his face. He saw a gentle smile on her face, which caused him to smile in return.

"I like it. It suits you." He grinned and gently took her hand. He brought it up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back. Her eyes were wide and a soft pink dusted her cheeks. She cleared her throat and looked away. She carefully got out of the bed and turned to face him again. She took a few deep breaths before speaking.

"It's my turn now." She closed her eyes as a silver fog enveloped her. When it faded, her teeth had become sharp fangs, her hands had turned into claws. Silver wings framed her even though they were folded behind her. Her features sharpened in general and had a more beast-like quality to them. His eyes widened for a few seconds as he took it all in. She opened her eyes and became rather unsure of herself due to his reaction. He stood up silently and moved over to her. She backed up a few steps until her wings touched the walls. She watched his movements with a look of uncertainty. He smiled slowly as he brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear.

~Beautiful. Such an interesting creature.~ Pink dusted her cheeks at his words, and she turned her face away in order to try to hide it. He moved one of his hands to hover over her wings and watched her carefully.

~May I?~ He knew he had to be careful in order to not scare her off completely. She nodded hesitantly. He gently ran his fingers through the feathers on her wings. She shivered the second his hand touched her wing, but she slowly relaxed and leaned forward against him. He grinned as he supported her. She pushed his hand away once her legs collapsed out from under her. She gripped the front of his robes in an attempt to not fall to the floor, but her claws ripped through them instead. Undertaker sighed as he picked her up and moved her to the bed. Her face was rather red and she looked down at her feet as she changed back to her usual form.

"I'm sorry, Undertaker. I didn't mean to do rip your robes." He chuckled as he took off his outer robes to reveal a pair of black pants and a black sleeveless tunic.

~Adrian, I insist. And, are you sure? I mean, who wouldn't want to see the mysterious mortician without his usual robes?~ She smiled before burying her face in her hands and chuckling lightly. He sat down beside her and placed an arm around her shoulders. He brushed her hair with his fingers as he continued his questions from earlier.

~I'm curious. Why is it so... hilarious to think that you and Sebastian would be a couple?~ She moved to rest her head on his shoulder as she smiled with her eyes closed.

"Because. We've known each other for quite a while now. If we were mates, we would have already claimed each other by now." He glanced over at her.

~What do you mean? What does it mean to be mates?~ She looked over at him and blinked a few times.

"You really don't know anything about demons, do you?" He shook his head.

~I guess not.~ She chuckled and placed her head back on his shoulder.

"A demon has only one mate in the world. One person who they are meant to be with." She sighed lightly. "However, the one person who can bring the greatest joy can also be the greatest vulnerability. If one claims their mate and their mate dies, it could drive them utterly insane, if they survive at all." Undertaker hummed softly.

~Interesting.~ He paused to think for a few moments. ~How does one know when they have found their mate?~ She shrugged.

"There are a few signs one can look for: you become extremely protective, you are unable to stay away for long periods of time, they smell absolutely amazing, and you trust them even when you don't have much of a reason to do so." He laughed.

~They smell absolutely amazing? That wasn't quite what I was expecting.~ She snuggled closer to his side as she yawned. He grinned at how cuddly she was acting.

"Mmhm. Demons have a great sense of smell. I can walk into a room and tell who had been in there recently and what they had done all based on the scent and if I want to be that nosy. It's one of the reasons why our prey is rarely able to escape us once we catch their trail." He noticed that just how tired she was.

~Do demons sleep?~ She shrugged once again.

"Occasionally. It is not usual, more of a luxury or as a way to heal faster without needing to eat as much as is the case currently." He nodded and gently laid her down on the bed.

~Then you should get some sleep. I'll leave so you can rest.~ She clung onto his shirt and held him close.

"No. Stay." He blinked a few times before grinning and continuing to pet her hair. He whispered.

~Alright then. Goodnight, my dear. Sweet dreams.~ She smiled and fell asleep before being able to respond in return. He moved her so her head was resting on his chest and he was able to hold her close. He thought about all she had said and carefully sniffed her hair. He then chuckled at his actions and fell asleep with a grin on his face as his last thought was about how wonderful she smelled.

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