Unveiling Undertaker

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A/N I realize I'm really behind with doing this, but I would like to thank @Spacecybermewfor adding this to one of their reading lists, and @I_am_me_and_no_one_ for their votes. I really appreciate getting to know who my readers are!

The next morning, Undertaker exited his coffin and was welcomed with complete and utter silence. He immediately hurried to the back of his shop, a little worried that Raduriel might have left while he was resting. Worry laced his voice.

~Raduriel?~ He sighed in relief when he saw her sitting on his bed with her back leaning against the headboard. She had been reading but looked up when he called her name.

"Yes, Undertaker? Did you need something?" He grinned while he shook his head.

~Nope. Just wanted to make sure you were still here. ~ She nodded before focusing on her book once more.

"Yes, I'm still here. You don't have to worry about me, I'll stay out of your way. Just continue your day as normal." He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

~I thought you were going to make my life difficult? Given that up already?~ She rolled her eyes as she smirked.

"I just decided to give you some time before making it difficult. Ease you into it. Besides, I'm a little preoccupied at the moment." Undertaker walked over and plopped onto the bed beside her causing her to bounce a little. She blinked a few times before shooting him a look of annoyance.

"Was that necessary?" He giggled.

~Completely. Now, what are you reading?~ He moved so he was right next to her and looked at the book in her lap. He reached over and took the book from her to investigate when he couldn't understand what was written. She moved to take it back, but he easily held it from her reach.

~What is this? I can't read it?~ She sighed and snapped her fingers. Silver smoke enveloped the book, and Undertaker felt it disappear from his hand. He turned to look at his guest in surprise. He found the book to once again be on her lap. She picked it up and waved it in his face.

"This, is mine. Thus, it's none of your business." He pouted a little bit.

~Well, that isn't very nice. I thought you were going to be nice to me today.~ She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, be quiet. It isn't the end of the world. Besides, nothing is free. I don't see what I get out of telling you such information." She slowly smirked. "Unless we go back to a question for a question?" Undertaker tapped a finger against his lips as he thought.

~Hmm. I seem to recall requiring payment for the time I allowed you to seek refuge in my shop.~ She narrowed her eyes at him. She tossed the book onto his lap before getting off the bed. She stood with her back towards him. She summoned a brush from thin air and brushed her long hair as he examined the book. He silently got off of the bed as she spoke.

"It's in a language extremely few understand. In fact, as far as I know, only demons can read and speak it. Most other residents of Hell can understand, but cannot read it." She squeaked in surprise when she felt his hand grab her wrist and gently take the brush from her. He grinned.

~Interesting. Quite interesting, indeed.~ She rolled her eyes and reached for her brush.

"Please give that back, Undertaker." He shook his head and held the brush just out of her physical reach.

~Nope. Just let me. It's a gift. You are a guest after all.~ She looked at him closely before slowly smirking.

"How about this: I'll let you brush my hair if you allow me to do the same to you." He thought for only a moment or two before shrugging.

~Alright. I don't have a problem with that.~ She grinned before summoning her brush to own hand and away from his grip.

"Great! I'll go first. Would you please sit down?" He looked at her for a minute before chuckling as he moved to sit on the bed.

~I seem to keep forgetting you are able to do that.~ Raduriel chuckled and moved to kneel on the bed behind him. She began to gently brush his hair starting with the hair on the opposite side of his braid, avoiding his bangs for now. His shoulders relaxed almost immediately when her fingers brushed against his scalp as she brushed his hair. He grinned uncontrollably and could only barely control his giggles. She chuckled as she watched his reactions.

"Is your head ticklish or something, Undertaker? What do you find so amusing?" He let a few giggles loose.

~No, I'm just happy.~ She laughed and continued to brush his hair. When she got around to his braid, she gently undid it, brushed it, and then carefully rebraided it. By now, she was standing in front of him. She seemed rather relaxed and content. She hesitated a little bit, however, when it came time to brush his long bangs. He raised an eyebrow and his grin faded slightly.

~Is everything alright, Raduriel?~ She nodded but then paused. She tilted her head to the side.

"Undertaker, may I see your face?" He chuckled.

~Sure. Is that what you're worried about? Worried about what you might see?~ She rolled her eyes at his questions.

"Don't be silly. I simply asked since you always hide your face behind your hair. I didn't know if there was a reason as to why." He chuckled again.

~It's alright, Raduriel. If you want to, I don't have a problem with you seeing my face.~ She nodded slowly before reaching to move his hair aside. Her eyes widened and her mouth formed a silent "oh" before she froze. He grinned more and more the longer she stared at his face. He eventually laughed and spoke which broke through her thoughts and set her free.

~You alright there? Like what you see?~ He giggled at the faint pink that dusted her cheeks as she turned her face away from him.

"Be quiet. It just wasn't what I was expecting." He laughed at her embarrassment.

~Oh, really? And what were you expecting?~ She quickly regained her composure before smirking.

"Someone attractive." He laughed before sarcastically pretending as if her comment hurt him.

~My lady! How could you be so cruel with your judgment? How can I possibly spend time with you if that is what you think of me?~ She laughed at his acting as she gently, but quickly, brushed his bangs. Once she was done, she held the brush out to him.

"Well, I suppose a deal is a deal. Just be sure to be kind. I don't particularly enjoy my hair being pulled." He grinned as he carefully took the brush from her. He stood up since he was taller than her and began to brush her hair. She relaxed under his treatment of her hair. By the time, he got to the back of her hair, he had to stand in front of her to allow her to lean against him for support as he reached around to brush her hair. After a little bit more time, he began to hear a soft rumble that seemed to emanate from the woman against him. He raised an eyebrow as he paused his brushing to look at her. The sound stopped the moments he stopped paying attention to her hair, so he shrugged it off and thought it was only his imagination. Once he started again, however, the sound returned. After a minute, Undertaker could not hold back his chuckle.

~Are you purring, Raduriel?~ The sound stopped immediately and the woman stiffened.

"...No." He laughed and finished brushing her hair. He spoke as he handed the brush back.

~Alright then, if you say so. Unfortunately, I do have work I must get to today. If you need anything, just come find me and I'll help you. In the meantime, just relax. View this as a vacation of sorts.~ She snorted but smiled.

"Alright, Undertaker. Same to you. If I can help with anything, just let me know. I'll probably just be in here, staying out of the way for now.." He grinned and patted the top of her head.

~Sounds good. Enjoy your book, Raduriel.~ He turned and left the room to head to his shop. She sat down on the bed after he left. She picked up her book, glanced at the door he left through and murmured.

"This could definitely be worse. Funny and extremely handsome. A perfect combination. Yes, I think I'll very much enjoy my stay here."

Mutual Friends of Death (Undertaker Romance)Where stories live. Discover now