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A/N Thank you to everyone who is reading this! I hope you enjoy! Please comment, vote, and share!

William ran through the house and quickly found the red reaper simply by following the noise. He almost ran into her after turning a corner. She squeaked and flinched away slightly and Sebastian raised an eyebrow at the appearance of yet another reaper within his master's home. He spoke while William caught his breath.

%Ah, William, how awful to see you again. If you could please collect your companions and leave, that would be lovely.% William shook his head before grabbing Grell's arm and beginning to drag her away.

>Come, Grell. Bring your death scythe we have a beast to put down. I've already told Ronald to come immediately. We will need all the help we can get.< Grell tried to pull her arm back, and she was very confused.

<What on earth are you talking about?!> Sebastian moved to stand between the reapers and the room Raduriel was currently occupying.

%William, if you are intending to attack Raduriel, I suggest you seriously consider otherwise.% William pushed past him, dragging Grell behind him.

>That's exactly what I plan to do! We cannot allow that reaper-hunter to continue!< Grell blinked a few times before running faster than William.

<Undertaker! He's alone with her!> Sebastian sighed and began to quickly make his to Raduriel's quarters. Grell burst into the room to find Raduriel snuggled close to Undertaker with a gentle smile on both of their faces. She summoned her death scythe and revved it, causing both on the bed to jump. Grell hissed through her teeth.

<Get away from him! He isn't food!> William skidded into the room, his death scythe at the ready. Raduriel glared at them but did not move towards them as Undertaker quickly whispered into her ear to calm her. William glared at the older reaper.

>Undertaker! You can drop the ruse. Join us in ridding the world of this foul creature!< Sebastian walked into the room and moved to stand between the two parties. He raised his hands in a calming manner as he faced the more armed reapers.

%Please, I would prefer to not have to clean up the manor after the two of you are killed. I suggest you leave and forget about all of this. This will not end well for anyone.% Both of them shook their heads.

>We cannot do that. She has lived long enough. She must pay for her crimes.<

<Do you really doubt our abilities that much, Sebas-chan? After all, I almost defeated you by myself.> Sebastian sighed and shook his head. He was about to speak once more when yet another reaper jumped through the window with a rather interesting death scythe. The blonde smirked as he saw the female in Undertaker's arms. He whistled.

-Man, you are quite a fine lady. Are you sure you want to be with that creepy, old man? I'll gladly take you away from here and show you a good time.- Undertaker scowled and held her closer as she growled. William sighed.

>Ronald, she's the beast you were brought in to help put down.< The blonde yelped in surprise.

-What are you talking about? That's impossible. There is no way such a beauty could be the "Angel of Death".- He looked at the butler before pointing at him. -Him, I would believe, but not her.- Sebastian shook his head.

%You are all making a rather large mistake. Please, just leave.% Undertaker finally spoke up.

~I can assure you that I am not in any danger. I trust her. Now, if you would all leave us in peace, I would greatly appreciate it.~ William shook his head.

>You know we can't do that, Undertaker. Just because she has decided to not eat you now, doesn't mean she won't in the future. Besides, don't you also want to avenge your fallen comrades? Don't you want to protect your friends?< Undertaker chuckled and pet Raduriel's hair gently. She closed her eyes and melted against him a little bit.

~She is harmless. There isn't anything to worry about.~ Grell snorted. Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

<Yes. Oh so harmless. That's why she tried to bite my hand off simply when I came in to wake you up, and why she practically tore her fellow demon to shreds.> Sebastian flinched at that. Raduriel whispered something in Undertaker's ear, and he released her. The three other reapers in the room held their death scythes ready as she walked in their direction. She stopped just behind Sebastian, however, and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. Her eyes turned a bright silver.

"If I had not been so rudely interrupted, I would have healed him yesterday. Are we not allowed to have a bit of a friendly spar every so often?" A silver sheen appeared around Sebastian, and he took in a deep breath. He sighed in relief. When he opened his eyes, though, they were a silver color that matched Raduriel's. She exhaled as she released her power, which caused the silver to fade away. She began to return to Undertaker's side when William launched his death scythe at her once again. Her hand snapped up and stopped it before it could touch her. She slowly turned her head. Her glare was harsh enough that both Grell and Ronald took a step from William. Undertaker quickly moved to her side and placed an arm around her waist as a gentle restraint. She pulled the scythe towards herself, which caused William to stumble forward since he still held onto the end. Sebastian held out an arm to prevent William from getting any closer to Raduriel. William let out a small grunt as his progress forward was halted, and he was forced to let go of his scythe. Everyone watched as she examined the scythe closely and sighed in relief when she tossed it aside. Sebastian pushed William back towards Grell and Ronald before turning to face his fellow demon. He spoke as calmly as he could.

%Raduriel, would you please consider leaving?% She growled and even Undertaker shot a glare in the butler's direction.

"Why should I be the one to leave? I am merely defending myself!" Sebastian shook his head.

%Please, Raduriel. I simply do not want anyone to get hurt here. One of the factors must be removed, and the other party is refusing to comply. I do not want anyone here to do something they will later regret.% He heard her begin to mutter things under her breath. He sighed.

%Please. As a favor? For old times sake?% She narrowed her eyes at him before as well.

"You're lucky I still like you, Sebastian. Fine. I'll be the one to leave. I shall leave them to you." She turned to give Undertaker a soft smile before disappearing in a column of silver smoke.

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