❀Christmas Grinch ✿ James Wilson❀

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A Christmassy Cow Choprelated contest entry forhannahsue--'s ChristmasContest she is doing

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A Christmassy Cow Chop
related contest entry for
hannahsue--'s Christmas
Contest she is doing.
I hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 1000
Due Date: December 21st 2017

I hope you all enjoy!Word Count: 1000Due Date: December 21st 2017✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿

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It was that time of year again, the time when it starts getting colder and colder and everyone starts becoming cheery and merry.

But not Hannah Olsen, she on the other hand was always alone on this dreadful holiday, she had no family left to be around, no friends, making her holidays worse when she sees everyone with their family.

It was currently December twenty-fifth, Christmas Day, and Hannah was aimlessly searching for an open restaurant to get something to eat when she spotted the flashing neon of the open sign above Denny's.

Hannah shuffled her feet quicker as she hurried to get into the warmth of the heated Denny's and get some nice warm food to eat in the basically empty restaurant.

The little ding of the bell above the door made her turn her head to it before walking to the front counter to order her food.

"Merry Christmas, what can I get you?" Says the cheerful voice of the male cashier.

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