❀Basket Case ✿ NovaHD❀

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This is my entry for a writing contest by ha7lie!The theme this time is"Cute Little Psycho

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This is my entry for a
writing contest by ha7lie!
The theme this time is
"Cute Little Psycho."
I thought the theme fit
these two pretty well, so
enjoy the angsty NovaHD!
Word Count: 1450
Due Date: August 1st 2017

" I thought the theme fit these two pretty well, so enjoy the angsty NovaHD!Word Count: 1450Due Date: August 1st 2017✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿

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Brett could tell the past few weeks that something was seriously up with Aleks.

So here he was, standing outside of his friend's apartment door hoping to confront him about whatever it is bothering him.

Aleksandr is on his couch, drunk out of his mind, trying to forget that man with his curly black hair he just wants to run his fingers though.

This infatuation with James, this slight obsession with him, has made Aleks go crazy.

Much to the point where even after being around him nearly twenty four seven, Aleks still feels the need to stalk him on his social medias after they part ways, needing to know what he's up to and who with. All the time.

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