The Doctor's Daughter

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I am part were cat, part Time Lord. When I was two, my mother was murdered in front of me by a Dalek. I stopped talking after that, and ran away from my father when I was seven. My father never knew why I stopped talking; he just assumed it was the effect of Mum's death. But it wasn't that.
My name is Melody Piper, the daughter of the Doctor. I can see ghosts.

Chapter One

Melody's POV

"Ugh, will it ever stop raining?" my friend, Kelli, complained as we ran through the streets of London holding an umbrella over our heads. It was a couple days before summer break, and it had rained for eight days in a row. We were walking home from school, and even with the umbrella we were soaked. I couldn't wait to get back home to the apartment building, where it was warm and dry.

"I hate rain," I grumbled. Kelli nodded. "I feel you. Come, I can see the apartment building."

We ran the last block and practically fought to get into the apartment building. For a moment we stood dripping in the doorway, then we stepped into the lift. "I hope the weather clears up in time for summer break," Kelli said wishfully, pressing the button for her floor.

"Yeah, well, you can't always get what you want," I sighed.

"I know." The doors slid open with a ding and she stepped out. "See ya!"

"Bye, bye!" I called as the lift doors slid shut. I hit the button for my floor-a floor above Kelli's- and waited a second. When the doors opened again, I walked to my apartment and unlocked the door. "I'm home!" I called.

Ella came running in. "Good grief, is it still raining?"

I nodded. "Ella, it's 2013. We don't say 'good grief' anymore. Anyways, I'm getting into my pajamas. What's for dinner?"

"Quiche," she told me.

"With tuna?" I asked.

"Is there another way?" she laughed.

I grinned too. Even though she wasn't my real half-sister, Ella was pretty cool. "Where's Stella?" I asked.

"Still at work," Ella sighed. "But aren't you gonna get into pajamas?"

"Oh, yeah..." I left the kitchen and walked down the hall to my bedroom. It was tiny.

Once I left the bedroom in my pajamas, I spotted Ella talking to a man in the doorway. The man had dark, messy hair and was wearing a bowtie and suspenders. Welcome to the 21st century, mate, I thought to myself.

I moved closer so that I was still out of sight, but I could hear them. "-She'd never recognize you. I'm sorry, but I don't think it's the right time."

"It's fine," the man said. "So as long as she's safe and healthy."

"You've visited many times, how come you've never come to pick her up?" Ella's voice was accusing.

"Ella, that sounds like you don't want to take care of her anymore," the man sounded amused.

"No, it's're her father!" Ella cried. "Don't you think that four years has been long enough? Why did you have her leave anyways?"

"It was dangerous for her," he explained.

"You should've visited her. The poor girl thinks you've given up on her," Ella said.

"She does?" the man sounded sad. "I never thought she'd think that."

"She does, though," Ella said, looking over shoulder. I had no time to duck behind the wall when I realized I wasn't as invisible as I thought I was. Her mouth opened in a perfect O. "Oh, um, Melody! Melody, this is private. Could you please leave?"

"Who are you talking about?" I blurted out. "Who?"

"Nobody. Now, please leave. Now," Ella sounded strict and I knew she was serious. I nodded and slunk out of view. I opened my door but thought about it and shut the door. I crept back to the end of the hallway. I remembered the one closet that was perfect for listening to people without being seen. Now if I fit in it....

I quietly opened the door and saw the pile of towels and grinned to myself. There's no place a were cat can't go. I transformed into the cat and jumped onto the towels. I could hear them talking. "Please make it soon," Ella begged.

"I will," the man promised. I jumped off the towels, transformed back to Melody, and shut the door. Then I went into my room and got comfortable on the bed with a Nancy Drew book open. I can fake looking like I've been in one spot for awhile really good. After a while, Ella came in. I sat up quickly. "Who were you talking about? Who was that man? Why was he here? Make what soon? Ella, answer me!"

"I'm sorry," Ella whispered. "I can't. But you'll find out soon. I promise."

As soon as she left, I closed my eyes and whispered to myself, Who is he talking about? Please answer me. I need to know.

You'll find out soon... a voice whispered in my head. 

No, I need to know now!

Soon.... she whispered in my mind.

I leaned back on my bed and silently cursed. Normally they told me what was going on. They never told me soon. They just told me. I guess it was so important that I had to wait for.

But how soon was soon?

Doctor's POV

I leaned on the wall next to the door. Had Melody really grown up this much? Had it really been this long? How come she didn't recognize me?

I knew the answer to the last question: I had regenerated. I was a completely different man. This made everything so much harder.

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