Part 9 - January 5th 1969 (cont'd)

Start from the beginning

"Am I now?" she teased, deliberately letting the cover slip down, revealing her breasts to him.

"Definitely!" He swiftly moved the tray then stood up and removed his dressing gown. "I hope you don't mind, but I need to make love to you again madam!" He climbed back onto the bed. "Budge up woman! Let me in!"

Lucy began to giggle as his arms enveloped her. She was lost to him already.

Making love for a second time seemed to energise them both. They lay together, facing each other, chatting and enjoying their close intimacy.

"Are the press still outside?" asked Lucy.

"Yeah, I think so. They were when I went downstairs. Why?"

"Don't they bug you?"

Paul shrugged. "Sometimes, but to be honest, it's gone on for so long now, I just ignore them a lot of the time. Why?"

"I just wondered." She snuggled closer and kissed him. "I love you McCartney!"

"That's a good job really because I love you Lucy!" he replied, returning the kiss.

"Would it get rid of them if we spoke to them Paul? About you and me I mean?"

"Well, yeah probably, at least for some of the time. Why?"

Lucy sat up. "Then let's talk to them. Give them what they want. At least then we can go about our business properly."

"You'd seriously do that?" Paul asked.

"Why not?"

"Well, for a start," said Paul, "They'd see it as a way of us saying that were serious about each other. In this for the long term."

"And aren't we?" she asked, tilting her head on one side.

"Well I am," said Paul in all seriousness, "You were the one with doubts."

"Not any more though." She said softly, "Otherwise we wouldn't be lying here together naked Paul."

He sat up suddenly. "You're serious? About us?"

She nodded. "Very."

He flung his arms around her in excitement and hugged her hard. "You've made me the happiest man alive!" he exclaimed. "Thank you! I love you!"

They kissed and almost immediately passions arose and once more they made love. Afterwards they lay together again, still wrapped around each other and snoozed.

Lucy stirred and, after a trip to the bathroom, she washed one handed and began to get dressed. The bra problem arose again so she shook Paul to wake him.

"Hi baby!" He smiled up at her, "Oooo, you're still naked!" He reached for her breasts and she slapped his hands away playfully. "Aww, spoil sport! Come back to bed."

"I want to get dressed Paul." She continued to fend his hands off. "Don't Paul! I'm really hungry and we need to discuss what we're going to say to the press. Come on! Help me get dressed again!"

"OK, OK," Paul grumbled, shaking his head. He climbed out of bed, gloriously naked, and helped her with bra straps once more. "I'd rather be taking it off Lucy!"

She turned to face him. She slipped her good arm around his neck. "I know...and so would I but my arm hurts. I need my pain killers. Sorry my love." She kissed him.

"Oh no, is it really painful?" he asked anxiously.

"It wasn't too bad until knocked it when I was in the bathroom." She grimaced, "So now it hurts as much as it did last night."

"Do you need to go back to the hospital?"

Lucy shook her head. "No, food and some pain killers and it will hopefully settle down."

She sat on the bed and waited whilst Paul had a quick shower and dressed. Taking her by her good hand, he led her down to the kitchen. Rose was there.

"Hello there!" she smiled cheerfully at the couple. "Have you eaten yet Paul?"

Paul shook his head. "We were just coming to get something, why?"

"I have a cheese pie ready with mashed potatoes?"

"Wonderful! Lucy?"

"Sounds great."

They sat opposite each other at the table whilst Rose served them and began to eat. Suddenly Paul stopped and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Lucy called after him.

He didn't answer so Lucy stood up to follow him. He returned almost immediately.

"What's wrong?" she asked him anxiously.

"Nothing. Why?" He patted her good arm. "I went to get these from the living room." He held up her pain killers she had been given at the hospital. He took two from the box and handed them to her.

"Thanks Paul." she smiled weakly. He could see she was in pain. She took them and then tried to eat some more food.

Rose sat with them and they chatted as they ate. Paul noticed Lucy was much quieter than usual.

"How's your arm Lucy?"

"Hurting but it's starting to ease. I'll be OK."

Lucy put her fork down. Eating one handed wasn't easy and now she was beginning to feel very sleepy, a side effect of the pain killers. Finishing his food, the pair thanked Rose and returned to the living room. Once more Paul settled her on the sofa, covered by a blanket for her to rest. She was asleep almost instantly. Satisfied she was alright, Paul left her and headed into his work room to play the guitar.

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