"Stopppp I'm trying to get this food to Ashley and you want to keep spraying me." I said running out of Daves back yard into his house.

We decided to play with his water guns since it's 70 degrees in late October in New York we celebrate that shit.

He laughed and followed me in I was soaked but he threw a towel at me.

"B I'm really starving." Ashley yelled from the living room.

"Blame Dave he keep playing." I said going into the kitchen to get it and bring it back out to her.

"Here you go boo boo." I said handing her the Popeyes she begged for.

"Yesss Thanks sissy."

"You're welcome."I said sitting on the marble floor so I wouldn't wet the furniture cause he'd beat my ass.

"Your phone been going offfff by the way." She said handing me it since it was next to her.

I sighed seeing Rakim name and 10 missed calls.

You'd never believe We back in the same argument He started at the hospital because I've been over here with Ashley since She came home 4 days ago. She came to stay with Dave because they're still trying to figure out who came to the house that day. And since Terrell knew where she live we can't take no chances plus she's still healing so she can't do too much.

And she not going to let her brother bathe her so that's my job as the best best friend in the whole wide world to do it.

Of course Rock tried to say I was coming to spend time with Dave and using Ash as an excuse. Mind you Dave is barely here because they're always at the trap having meetings and making deals. They've been super busy this week since the incident at the house which Rock knows but his insecure ass of course starts this stupid ass argument anyway.

If him and Dave are always in the same room or place how am I spending so much time with Dave? Exactly don't make no fucking sense.

He started calling again and I silenced it ignoring him.

"Damn he still acting crazy?" Ashley asked.

The other night I had to come over here because our argument got heated and he started throwing shit and doing too much so I left and since his house is closer to here I didn't go home. It was fucking 4 in the morning might I add he woke me up with some bullshit.

"Yeah." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"You got something on your mind talk to me." She said.

"I just feel like if we going to continue to go through him being insecure in this relationship and wanting to fight over this then we not going to get too far." I spoke honestly.

This has made me not want to be bothered with him. I don't like this side of him at all. I love him and he claim he love me but they way he acting is just pushing me away.

We been together for almost 4 months we can dead it now before we in too deep and I'll be good with that.

"Ignoring him won't get y'all too far either." She said making a point but I knew we would just end up arguing in the end so that's why I'm ignoring him.

I listened hearing Dave upstairs rapping along to Drake More Life album probably in the shower.

"I didn't want Dave to know but Rock almost put his fucking hands on me the other night when I came over here." I told her still being quiet.

"What?" She said shocked.

I nodded. "He had me up against the wall while we were yelling at each other as usual but this time he choked me up a little bit and almost hit me but I pushed him back and that's when I left." I told her.

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