We waited and watched, trucks came and went and each time there was a ten to fifteen minute period where the trucks were unattended. If we could find a truck or two with groceries, we would be set for months.

We kept quiet, spending most of the day observing the warehouse. Watching to see if there was security, how long it took on average to unload a container. When we were satisfied we walked back to the van and met up with the rest of the group.

Lycus had us all chime in, tell him our plan and we repeated it over and over until it was drilled in our heads. Emmaline and I knew exactly what we were doing. Or so I hoped.

Emmaline and I followed the same path that night, this time prepared to execute the plan. Wait for a truck to pull in, and take it.

In the dark we were able to creep closer, hiding behind concrete dock walls that were out of sight. Concealed by the velvet dark of the night.

We waited longer this time, less trucks made their way to the store to drop off shipments at night time. When one pulled in, we waited for the man to go in before checking the back.


We went back to hiding as they soon came back out and unloaded the car. I felt a tug at my gut, remembering the orders. Worry about yourselves, get your load back to the campsite. If no one meets you there within three hours or the position is compromised, you head to base instead.

An hour passed, and the town was still quiet.

No sign that anyone knew we were here. I took deep breaths and waited.

Soon another truck came, this one labelled with a famous chicken logo emblazoned on it. I glanced to Emmaline and nodded. As the driver got out and walked towards the store we crouched low and headed to the back of the truck.

Carefully unhitching the lock and looking in the back, we saw exactly what we wanted. Food. Shutting the doors quietly and we locked it back we then crept to the front cab of the truck.

Just as I stepped up onto the truck to open the driver's door, and alarm rang through the air. Flinching, I fell back to the ground, Emmaline turning her head to look around.

Three men ran out the back door, moving quickly towards the trucks before they saw us.

“Hey!” A particularly burly man yelled reaching for the gun at his hip.

I scrambled and grabbed the door, throwing it open. I grasped Emmaline’s arm and hauled her up into the cabin. Sitting in the passenger seat was a startled looking woman who screamed.

Emmaline quickly punched her, fighting over the seats and reaching for the other door, shoving the lady out.


A loud shot rang out and within seconds I was screaming as hot fire seared through my back. I was forced to double over as a bullet left a large exit wound in my stomach.
I heard yelling, and saw Emmaline reach for me out of the corner of my eye but all I could register was the blood oozing from my stomach.

Oh no. I thought.

I was thrown into the passenger seat and Emmaline quickly turned the truck on and locked the doors. Glass shattered as another shot made contact with the truck. Emmaline slammed on the gas pedal, the truck lurching forward and sending me into the dashboard.

I yelled out, in pain as one finger was jammed into the wound.

“Shit! Are you alright?” Emmaline looked at me, pale as a ghost, as she drove around the store as fast as she could.

We would have to drive through town to make it to the highway, and by the sounds of the alarm still going off, the Law Men knew we were here.

My shirt was soaked with blood, and I was losing more quickly. I hollered, pulling my shirt from my body. The material clinging to the shredded skin around the exit wound of the bullet. I pressed my shirt against the hole, gritting my teeth.

Apply pressure. My mother’s voice rang in my mind. Keep pressure on the bullet hole, it will help stop the bleeding.

“Are you alright?” Emmaline yelled again.

“I don’t know.” I spoke honestly.

My wolf forced herself forward, the adrenaline pumping through our now emptying veins driving her forward. All her instincts came to the forefront of my mind, pushing me to sit, look around at my surroundings. Make sure we were safe for now.

“Shit.” Emmaline cussed.

In front of us was the Law Men’s base, a barricade had been made in the road in an attempt to stop us. A flash of red caught my eye and I noticed Dakota, hiding behind a wall, eyes looking wild as she searched the area. Lycus was nowhere to be seen.

I knew if I could see her, the Law Men would see her soon too. “Step on it.” I growled. “Mow them over.”

The lines of Emmaline’s face hardened, and she hit the gas as hard as she could. We would roll through the barricade and through the Law Men.

Some yelled and jumped out of the way as we neared but others stood their ground, sending bullets that ricocheted off the semi.

We made contact. A sick crunch and screams rang out in the night. Anyone who stayed in our path was either dead or dying.

A flash of red and black caught my attention in the side mirror. Running behind us was the black wolf, a redheaded girl clinging to his back. He jumped and we heard a clang of metal at the back of the truck.

Then, Emmaline had us on the highway, speeding as fast as she could towards safety.

I blinked, my eyes sticking together. My vision blurred and I leaned back in the seat.

“Don’t close your eyes. Stay awake, Maggie!”

I could hear Emmaline curse. The wind whipped at my hair from the broken window. I saw trees then all was black.

When I woke back up, I was being held in someone’s arms. They were walking quickly, trees passing above us. My head lulled and I groaned. Wetness clung to my face, and I realized I was crying.

It’s okay to cry when you’re dying. I thought.  I’m dying.

“Don’t cry, Cariad. I’ll keep you safe.” Familiar, green eyes flashed to meet mine.


A/N: Another chapter updated. We're 13 chapters in you guys! How exciting. Please vote and comment, let me know how you feel about this chapter.

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