"Look," I sighed, rubbing my head slightly. "Whatever you've got on, let me see."

"The only stuff I got are semi-formals," she mumbled.

"Again, whatever you have on, let me see."

She groaned and told me to back away, so I did. I had my arms crossed with a blank face as she stepped out.

Taylor was wearing a stunning black dress, fitted at her waist but innocently loose at her knees, slightly looking like they're pleated but not really. She had a bit of slightly transparent sleeved up to her elbows with lovely floral designs. She had her curly hair tied back in a ponytail while a fair number of locks seemed to haven't got the memo, her bangs and the curly ones at the sides.

I smirked.

"Aw, don't look at me like that."

My smirk had gone to a full smile. "Can't do otherwise."

"This is not that formal!" She tried to debate but it's not working on me.

"They won't care what you're wearing," I said, still smiling. "In fact," I walked towards her and gave her a kiss. "The only problem is the fact that I'll be waiting an entire night before I can help you get rid of it."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Like I'm going to let you do anything tonight."

"No?" I asked, then I kissed her again. There is a smile on her lips right after.

"No," she answered softly. "Okay, dinner it is then. Don't you even dare do anything annoying."

I smiled with a nod. If the entire experience of the Styles dinner had never been pleasant at all, maybe I should light this one up for a change. Unlike what Cara said earlier this year that they're fighting a lot, my brothers and sisters seemed to be getting along fine —not that I was observing too much, it's quite comforting to know nothing is ever breaking from downstairs. It had always been a disaster when we are all together and the last time was when I was seventeen. That sucked.

When Taylor and I walked out of the bedroom, Vincent and Jericho Brent are both outside, smiling.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

Vincent laughed first, then followed by Jericho. "Uncle Darwin's just arrived, he's got another book." Vincent informed.

"And Denny and Andrew, just came around too," Jericho added, pertaining to William's sons. Of course, the family reunion isn't complete without children running around like that. I do know there are loads of them.

"Uncle Harry!" Denny yelled from downstairs and started running towards me while Andrew, his six-year old brother. William, their father whom they'd just left was looking up with a grin. He shook his head and started walking away as if he trusted us completely.

"Need back up?" Franco asked, raising an eyebrow with his cheeky grin.

"Yes." I honestly do need back up because I think I am seeing Grace's children at the door looking up over here.

"Ha-Ha!" Franco clapped his hands once and rubbed them together as if seeing the kids electrified him of some sorts. He loved them just as much as I do and we're the ones who do not have families in their uncles so we have the time for them. "Twins, you two pay attention." He snapped while I started focusing on Denny and Andrew who are currently asking how I've been and such. "Remember Taylor? The one I've been talking—"

In the midst of Denny's question whether I've brought a present for them was lost somewhere midair as my head snapped back to Taylor and how Franco had already 'talked' to the twins about her. He could've said a million things and I will never know.

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