Week 2 Day 5

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Hey guys I want to apologize for all the errors in the past and future errors I don't know why I find it a little difficult to read though and correct errors it feels like I'm reading the same book for the 100th time cause I take days thinking and imagine what to write and then spend hours writing making reading though a little difficult. Bare with me please I will try to get around doing that.

Playlist: Breath Me by Sia

After the little incident of me freaking out and having a massive panic attack in front of Kendrick I had tried my best to avoid him which was pretty easy we were both in different majors so he hardly saw me and neither did he show up at my place. On the other hand James and I got pretty close he had taken me to Shakes for a milk shake oh by the way Shakes is a milkshake shop which is one of the college's top hang out spot we spent hours talking and I got him to help tutor me on in some of weak aspects I knew he couldn't resist my puppy dog eyes.

I had free day for the first time in what seemed like forever, but before I could finish breakfast I heard a knock on the door who in the world disturbs someone at seven am in the morning.

"go away I'm busy today" Kendrick had shown up at the door offering to take me out to an unknown location

"no your not you have a free day today" how did he know his a creepy stalker why me

"how did you.. "

"I have my ways Now come along if you don't I'll stand right here till you agree with me" he said leaning on my door frame refusing to move

"fine let's go" I said getting out of the house I didn't bother to change from my denim shorts and baggy sweat-shirt before heading out

"you look beautiful" yeah right I look like the bride of Frankenstein I don't know how most girls look beautiful and sexy in a messy bun and oversize shirts when I do it I look like I've been doing a drug deal but I had no intention to look good for Kendrick I never asked him to show up at my house so early

"where we heading" I had asked for the tenth time since I got into the car

"stop asking will you saint"

"how can I what if I'm being taken to my murdering ground" I said crossing my arms around my chest I'm such a child at times

"it's okay Saint I won't, I'll never hurt you now stop asking or I'll be forced to make you" he said with a grind on his face immediately I knew exactly what he meant and ewwwww not happening perv

"Hey Saint"


"why don't you wear clothes your size.. I mean... Like your clothes are always five sizes bigger"

"their clothes from when I weighed Two hundred pounds I don't really have the money to get new ones" I lied I had the money I just choose not to for personal reasons

"well we still have an hour before we get to our destination wanna talk about anything" he was obviously trying to start some small talk, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to ask him a little bit about himself

"how come your not into the Horton Empire family business" I said turning to look at him I guess my question affected him cause he dripped the steering wheel I'm pretty sure any tighter he'd be able to break it

"I never had a thing for business, I want to create shelter for people"

"if you have such good intentions why do you take school so unseriously" from what I'd heard around campus he didn't seem to be one for the books

Why is he chuckling "I'm a 4.0 GPA student" okay I think I'm crazy did I just hear what I heard

"We're here" he said before I could say anything else he was covering me eyes with a blind fold

"why I'm I going blind"

"it's a surprise"

No no no no I panicked, he brought me to the one place I promise I'll never step foot in, I was in a race car track with a car in front of me.

"you said you use to race I thought you'll love it''

"I gotta go" I ran off I couldn't face the situation, this had been a part of my life I had avoided for awhile, I probably seem pathetic I sat under the bleachers with my knees up so I could bury me head in them as I hugged my legs, I began subbing

"I will fear no.... "

"...evil even though I walk though the Valley of the shadow of death" i heard Kendrick complete the sentence coming to sit beside me

"I'm sorry Saint for whatever I did I just thought" he said as he wrapped his arms around me I saw regret in his eyes, he was sorry

"it's okay I just don't have the best memories"

"does it have anything to do with your brother or why you stopped racing" I nodded grabbing a hold of the cross chain on my neck

"my brother was Travis Cole"

"Travis Cole the legendary racer he had never been beat by anyone other than.... Your Keisha Cole you were amazing they'd called you the racers of the generation" I heard Kendrick say the words each word felt like a stab to the heart, I let more tears roll down my cheeks as I nodded to confirm his theory

"Then you know he died, we had a race that day well I had a race I spent days working on the car I could barely sleep, on the day of the race I was so sleep deprived I couldn't race he decided to go in my place, he reached a sharp turn his car slid of the track and flipped I watch the car crash that day so did my whole life Travis was checked into the hospital the was nothing all of the doctors could do to save him he made me promise to keep the legacy, he handed me his Lucky Charm the cross necklace I watched his heart flatline in front of me, I went into a state of chronic pain and depression I had attempted suicide, I had come back the tracks a couple times but I could never bring myself to race any more, I killed him its my fault, I should have worked on the car better, I should have raced it should have been my death not his....... " I began sobbing uncontrollably Kendrick took me into his arms as I sobbed into his shoulder

"that's what you kept dreaming about you were sorry for what you did to him" I nodded remembering the countless times I had dreamt of the situation it never seemed to stop haunting me

"it's not your fault it wasn't your fault"

"no how many people tell me that it'll never feel true it's my fault Kendrick it's my fault I killed him"

"you didn't kill him, but you did kill him" okay what is he talking about I looked at him with a confused expression on

"from what you've told me I know Travis won't have wanted you to stop racing, I remember watching you guys on TV your legacy was everything, I know you feel like you've lost him but we never truly loose the one we lost they live in us and you racing is your way of connecting to Travis" he said every word slowly as he wiped the tears of my face circling his thumb on my cheek

"I'm sorry I brought you here I'll take you back" he said still hugging me as if, if he let me go I'll die

"no I want to race" I never thought I would say those words ever again but Kendrick was right Travis won't have wanted this

I was sitted in the car griping the steering wheel and memories flooded back



"I want to race with you" with that he stepped into the car with me

"I'd race though life with you Saint" he said giving me a comforting side hug and I knew I could do it.

Hey guys hope you loved this chapter please don't forget to vote and comment and share show me some love and I love you guys thank you so much for your support and for reading xoxo

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