The Dare

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"let the games begin"


Welcome to Brighton College I've been here for a semester and I can happily say I'm crazy sick of college but I knew my aim for being here, I'm a medical student, oh my goodness where are my manners I'm Keisha Cole the schools out cast, can you blame me once I started school I was over hundred and fifty pounds but I guess the stress of college and living alone on a budget helps you drop a couple of pounds currently I had lost ninety pounds I still had a few of my fat but they basically turn to curves, I still wore the same clothes I wore when I weighed the same size as a wrestler.

I walk to the school garden so grateful for the two hour break I got before my afternoon lectures usually I'd head home and take a nap get something to eat but I decided to head to the park and complete my research project that's due in three weeks yes that's as much of a nerd I was I did projects way ahead of time.

"watch where your going you Freak" I heard crashing into a wall oh wait it's a body dame what's he made of steel

"It's your fault jerk" I said getting up after picking up all my papers

"what did you call me" I heard the guy in front of me say I looked up to look at him prepared to yell back at him only to come in behold the face of god he had Raven black hair with dark blue eyes a chiseled face and you could tell from his smirk he definitely had dimples.

"hey if your going to stare your going to have to pay " I heard him say still with a smirk

''ewwww who do you think you are Jerk" I said hitting him with my shoulder as I walked away.


"hey what was that over there Kendrick" I heard Tanner one of my friends more like a brother we had gotten into a dozen of trouble a couple of times from burning down the science lab to exploding paint in every teachers car on the last day of highschool, how we made it to college is a mystery, he was an engineering major, I on the other end was an architect major

"some annoying bitch calling me a jerk " I said taking my sit down.

"a girl not agreeing with you strange "

"what's happening" we both interrupted by two of our closest friends James and Andre, we met at a college party and both hited it off and hung out ever since Andre was an art major and James was a medical major the only person who took school seriously among all of us was pretty much James the rest of us could get less of fuck why were here.

"a girl not agreeing with Kendrick" with those words from Tanner the whole group busted into laughter

"that's the first" I heard James say

" I can make any girl fall in love with me " I said barging in

"let's make a bet then" I heard Andre but in

"500 dollars from each of us and we do every project and assignment you get, well will pay the nerd to do it" I heard Tanner but in

"Deal " I said with total confidence

"fine but we pick the girl " I heard Andre say as the rest of them shout yeah in agreement

"Fine " I said Rolling my eyes

"hey guys I gotta go but I'm in on the bet make sure you choose the right girl"i heard James say before walking away leaving Andre and Tanner who moved their heads around in search of a girl

"Let's make a bet then how about her, You have four weeks to get her madly in love with you and to hookup with her " he said pointing at the same girl that had just bumped into me, she looked kinda raggy dressed in clothes big enough to drown her, she had a long black hair, she had a nice ivory Tan skin.

"Easy" I said totally confident

"shake on it fellas " I said bringing my hand forward as all of them shake on it.

"what do you know about this girl anyway" I said you can't go into battle without knowing the enemy.

"she's Keisha Cole, she once weighed about a hundred and fifty pounds but lost a lot of it,she's a medical major student lives alone at third avenue not far from the campus, from the rumours she doesn't socialize a lot probably a virgin she's in James's major " I heard Tanner say

"so insecure and pure easy target"

"what do you know about virgins you've never had to deal with one " I heard Tanner say and he was right.

"hey you still throwing you party this weekend " I said turning to Andre

"yah, why" I heard him say

"I have a plus one"

"what else do you know about little miss goody goody over there"i said turning to Tanner

"nothing much she's hardly does anything outside school Her only friend is some chick called MJ"

"MJ isn't that the slut James hooked up with" I said recalling one of James hookup she actually believed James was in love with her.

"I guess this will be easier than I thought keep you money ready gentlemen"

Sorry this chapter is short I just wanted to get the intro done with please do vote comment and share show me some love and support thank you so much. Love you guys your the MVP.

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