Week 2 Day 1

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"hey" I heard MJ call as she walked toward me looking hotter than every honestly having a crazy hot best friend is damaging to one's self esteem, especially when your a solid four.

"I was thinking about our apartment I spoke to owner and he said we can move in by next semester which will be January" we both took the moving plans seriously and we're both excited to move in together

"great I guess I'll call you later see you still coming over tonight" I said remembering I had to help her out with her English paper.

"I can't tonight Ben and I our going out on a date" I gave a look that said dang girl you tripping. Yeah I said that with that I bidded her good bye. At least I could spend the whole night watching a Harry Potter

"saint" dang I was so close I had just put my key in my apartment door honestly I have no idea what his deal is he was fun of showing up surprisingly and at the wrong timing. I opened to door and entered inside locking the door behind me pretending not hear him hopefully he'll leave well so I thought.

"you do remember I can pick a lock right" I heard him say as he opened my door leaning on my door frame looking like a Greek sex god shut up Keisha don't be such a hoe

"I should call the cops thats basically breaking and entering" I said trying to threaten him

"sure you could Saint but we both know you won't" he said with an annoying smirk on his face I wish I could wash off with acid

"and why is that" I said taking out my phone opening the dial buttons

"one your too I love with me, and we both know your bluffing" obviously we know I'm bluffing but still I could do it

"what do you want" I said harshly hoping he'll get the message that I'm in no way happy about his presence but being the asshole he is it didn't seem to bother him.

"common where going somewhere" he said handing me my coat which hung on the coat rack by my door and my handing I mean brutally tossing it in my face

"no we're not I have a Harry Potter marathon and a dozen packets of microwavable popcorn and sodas and gummy bears there's no way I'm leaving this house" I said standing my ground while stumping my feet

"I brought my car it's the latest SUV, the one I saw as your phone's wallpaper and you'll get to drive" and with that ladies and gentlemen he won call me a sell out all you want but I loved that car so much it was my phone's wallpaper and I had a picture of it on my room wall.

"let's go" I said angrily hitting him with my shoulder as I walked out of my apartment. Making him laugh at the top of his lungs.

"where we headed" I said after what seemed like and hour of me shouting and hugging his car like a weirdo and him laughing at me while I was busy jubilating.

" my house" he said without giving me a reason I could careless I'm driving this amazing car

"your a weird girl like I mean what kind of girl knows this much about cars" he said breaking the silence as we drove

"my brother and I use to obsess over cars and we use to go down to the derby where he raced to try out different cars, trust me you pick up a lot hanging out there" I said still focusing on the road I never really spoke about my brother

"so I guess you can race"

"Yah I did that a lot in highschool but I stopped"

"why is that" lucky for me i had already pulled up inside his house drive way which gave me the perfect opportunity to escape his question. I shouted last one in is a rotten egg and I ran out of car like a three year old kid making him laugh none stop at much as him laughing annoyed me I could careless so far as I had avoided his discussion.

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