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Her outfit for this chapter


"Good afternoon my lovely class!" I exclaimed from the middle of the classroom

"Good afternoon our most awesome professor!" The all exclaimed in unison

"Awe, you guys" I replied, causing some to chuckle, shaking my head slightly with a smile "today . . . we are changing it up!" looking at them "you will be making cookies . . . from scratch" hearing them murmur to one another in excitement "you have the recipe written down in your notebooks! Chocolate chip, and don't be afraid to add more if you feel like you need to!" looking around "and if you need help! Don't! Be! Afraid! To ask!" earning some nods "group one, get started"

Said group looked at their books, two of them grabbing the mixing tools they need, another two of the group getting the ingredients ready, and the last one getting the sink ready. I pointed to the second group, causing them to begin and I walked over to my desk,

"Hey" I began, looking at my phone "what do you guys request today?"


"Avenged Sevenfold!"

"Blue October!"


"Three Days Grace!"




"Five Finger Death Punch!"

"Who said the last four?" I asked, causing four groups to hesitantly raise their hands " . . . extra credit for today" looking back at my phone "let's set it on shuffle for those four" pressing play

Music blasted through the speakers I had gotten the other day, loud enough to where every one can hear it but not too loud to where they can't hear me. I removed my leather jacket, laying it across my swivel chair and giving Malyshka a pat on the head, while I had gotten the speakers, I took the liberty of letting her choose a bed for herself, which is next to my desk. Every once in a while, Shawny, Remy or Logan would come and take her for a walk, bringing her back as soon as she's finished, which she lays down on her bed right after she enters the room. I clasped my hands behind my back as I slowly went from group to group, checking to see if they need assistance, most of them not needing it.

"If you choose to become a chef when you graduate, there will be people talking to you, talking over you, or talking to each other!" I informed "people will be buzzing in your ear at the same time! So you need to focus on your task and their voices, should you need to! In other words . . . I know you're at the door, Logan, you don't need to just stand there!" turning around and seeing said man standing in the doorway of the room

He made a come here motion with his index finger, causing me to playfully roll my eyes and walk over to him, crossing my arms over my chest as I stood in front of him,

"Why are you interrupting my class?" I asked playfully

"Just wanted to remind you about our date tonight" he said, placing his hands on my waist, causing me to place mine on his chest

"Do I need to change?" I asked, causing him to shake his head slightly

"All you need is you" he replied, "its the fair, remember?"

"Oh yeah, huh?" I asked playfully, causing him to roll his eyes, "check this out" gently walking away, back to the center of the room "what is it we always say?!"

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