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After all of that excitement, Steve managed to distract the press, long enough to where Logan and I were able to sneak away, I had made sure to grab the pictures we had taken from the photo booth and my stuffed panda. A small sigh emitted from my nose as I leaned my head back against the headrest of the passenger seat of the truck, Logan reached over, lacing his hand with mine and giving it a soft squeeze as he drove down the interstate. It was around eleven PM, everyone in the school would most likely be asleep by now, so I didn't really know what Logan had planned for the rest of the night. We drove down the interstate for a few more minutes, before Logan slowed the truck, pulling into a parking lot of a motel, one that didn't look cheap but not expensive either.

The Bluejay Motel

Logan let go of my hand, reaching to the back seats of the truck and pulling out a duffle bag, both of us getting out and locking it up. We walked to the front office, where an elderly woman was minding the desk, giving us a smile as we walked inside,

"How can I help you two, this evening?" She asked with a smile

"There should be a reservation for a room" Logan replied, "under Howlett"

She gave him a small smile, looking into a book in front of her, which caused me to look up at him,

"You've been working hard" he said, looking at me "and we could both use a night off from those kids"

"They're not that bad" I replied, softly nudging his side

"Here you are" the woman said, causing me to look at her "the honeymoon suite" watching as she grabbed a set of keys "room one fourteen" handing them to Logan "enjoy your stay, here at The Bluejay"

"Thank you, ma'am" Logan replied politely

"Such manners" she complimented with a smile, looking at me "I say, you better keep this one"

A giggle emitted from me as I gave her a small nod, Logan leading me out of the office and in the direction of the motel room, feeling the weight of his arm being thrown over my shoulders, my smile staying on my lips. We reached the motel door, Logan putting the key in the lock and turning it to the left, unlocking and opening the door, letting me enter first. I must admit, this room is much nicer than any of thither ones I've been in, it doesn't look to expensive, a smile slowly forming on my lips as I looked around. There was little to no privacy in the bathrooms, which was a few feet away from the bed, a TV on the opposite side of the wall from said bed, it was perfect to say the least.

The door clicked shut, causing me to look toward Logan, watching as he tossed the duffle bag by the TV, looking around the room and nodding as if in approval before looking at me, giving me a soft smile, mine dropping a bit. I shrugged off my black leather jacket, easily repairing some of the damage that was done,

"Sorry about tonight" I said softly, lowering my head slightly, "you were probably hoping it wouldn't turn out like that" tossing the jacket on the armchair in the corner of the room,

"Hey" he replied, walking up to me "Rose, look at me" his voice soft, causing me to do as said "nothing could've prevented that. But as long as I'm with you . . . somehow everything ends up alright in my book" causing me go playfully raise an eyebrow "you know what I mean"

He leaned down, claiming my lips with his, a small smile forming on my lips as I happily complied, my arms sliding around his neck. His hands placed themselves on my waist, giving it a soft squeeze before they slid to my thighs, softy giving them a squeeze as well. I had thought about this for a while, and I know for a fact that this needs to happen,

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