No one dared make another peep.

He started a droning recitation of whatever it was they were reading. It certainly didn't sound very holy. All around them, the rest of the cult murmured along, the older members clearly already memorised the part they were reciting from. Likely because she and Robert were not part of the group, they concluded as quickly as possible.

At the end of the prayer, Oriane was ready to get out of the chamber, nerves wracking and strung. Robert hadn't said anything to her but looked like he had lots on his mind.

Oriane glanced around the chamber one more time. The bonfire was ablaze and sparks danced from it. Still, when cold draft swept through her, she shivered. That was when she noticed Elle looking at her in midst of the small crowd. Her gaze was cold and calculating. Oriane wondered if she was thinking of ways to use her to get at Marian. It only made her all the more eager to leave. Instinct screamed for her to return upstairs.

Unfortunately, she had to quell that desire. As she was about to leave the chamber, she was stopped by the master cultist. He blocked her exit and cleared his throat with a cough. With Robert at her back, crossing his arms over his chest rather menacingly, she wasn't as daunted.

"The offer still stands, young lady."

She shook her head fervently. "I'm not joining your organisation, sir."

"Now, now, I know we got off on the wrong foot. Your curiosity had led you here to our Chamber, no doubt you wish to find out more about us?"

Was she such an open book? The opportunity for collecting information was irresistible. Despite knowing he would try his best to convince her to join their group, there was no way she was missing out. She looked at Robert for support, who was glaring straight at the man before him. Toe to toe, they weren't pleased with each other's presence.

"What do you say, you come speak with me for a moment... Alone. No harm done, I promise in the name of the Mother." From the bottom of his hood, his black eyes shone out and glinted at Robert with an implied request for him to step aside.

Oriane nudged his hand away. When he frowned down at her, she nodded. "I'll be right back," she murmured in reassurance and took a step towards the cult leader.

"No, wait!" Robert caught the fabric of her sleeve and glared at him, growling out, "Five minutes. No more." He let go and stepped back but it was clear what he wanted to do was grab Oriane and run far away to report back to the group. No doubt he was going to do that anyway via the anchor.

Though the hood shielded his eyes again, Oriane could sense the master cultist roll his eyes at Robert's request. After a moment, once Robert had shifted his attention away from them, he turned and led her a little away from the dispersing group of congregates.

If he truly wanted to do her harm, no doubt he didn't have to wait until now to do it, when there were so many around them and Robert to look out for. Of course, he also didn't know about the anchor at her hip. Whatever he was going to say to her, he was going to be speaking to a whole team of people.

With that on her mind, Oriane was at ease as she followed him to a corner. There, on that wall where they stood, was a bookshelf. The cult leader pulled out a thick volume.

"There is so much you don't know." He glanced at the assembly of white-robed persons mingling in the middle of the chamber. A creepy grin spread his hollow cheeks wide. "So much that they don't know."

Oriane blinked at him. Fear slithered in her stomach but she clamped it down. She had had enough of fear. With a soft voice, she defiantly asked, "What is it that they don't know?"

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