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"Oh heaven's, My Lady. How unbefitting commoners clothes are on you."Nicolas was clearly displeased with the choice of clothes Isabellena was wearing, the emotion appearing on his face as he saw her make her way down to where himself, Ciel, and Sebastian waited by the front door.

"But still quite a beauty. Looking lovely as always."Sebastian smiled, tipping his hat towards her as she neared.

Trading out her beloved blue dress, Isabellena wore a simple dark murky greenish brown dress that had the waist sinched. It wasn't much a poor dress, but one that Isabellena would have never worn on her own accord. The slight shinning to the fabric though was something that interested her though.

Her silky black hair was taken out of her signature French braid and was laid loose over shoulders. If Isabellena had indeed been born as a commoner, there was no doubt she would have attracted the attention of every male that passed. She was a natural beauty.

Turning from the window, Ciel let his eyes fall over Isabellena.".. I see..."There was a moment where he stared at her quietly before he turned to face the door,"We are all ready. Let us go."Ciel was also dressed in regular commoners boy clothes, wearing a dirty brown hat, his eyepatch still present.

Sebastian smirked at his master knowing certainly what was going through his head. Sebastian and Nicolas were dressed in slightly more fashionable clothing, having to keep up appearances of being financially stable - by selling weapons illegally to drug Lord's and gangs.

Nicolas walked over and placed a hand on Isabellena's back as Ciel and Sebastian walked out first.

"Why are you doing this?"Isabellena whispered, her eyes kept steady on the back of Ciel's head.

Nicolas smiled."What do you mean?"

"Why are you having me partner with Lord Ciel alone. I do not wish to be alone with him.."

Her Butler only continued to smile.

"Is that because you care for his safety?"

Isabellena didn't know how to answer that. Ever so slightly a crease formed between her brows and her glowing eyes fell to the floor. A visibly saddened look crossed her features.

"I want you to keep on eye on him at all times, do you hear me Sebastian?"Ciel crossed his arms as he walked down the front steps of his Manor, his dutiful butler by his side as they all made their way towards the carriage that Sebastian had prepared.

The black haired Butler nodded, his signature smile showing,"Of course young Master. I have many, many plans in-store for us."Sebastian had to hold himself back from smirking at the blue haired male behind him.

Ciel sighed heavily through his nose."I do not care what you do, as long as you do not foil the plan."

"Do you have plans of your own as well for our special Lady?"

Ciel was a little taken aback by Sebastian's pressing question, but was thankfully spared for answering it as they came up on the carriage. Willing for his cheeks to die down, Ciel looked the opposite direction from Sebastian, almost pouting in annoyance.

"Open the door will you?"

Sebastian shook his head teasingly."Of course Young Master."

Once the door was open Ciel jumped inside, taking the farthest seat from the door on the left. How dare Sebastian ask such things. Ciel did not - and certainly does not now - care for Isabellena in such a way. Isabellena was worse then any Lady he had met so far. She was reclusive and only cared for her own being. Only showing any emotion if it benefitted herself or what she was striving for. She was just as bad as that joke of a butler that worked for her.

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