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  "Young Master, it is time for you to wake up~!"Sebastian called as he swung open the curtain to the window in Ciel's room.

Said Young Lord rolled onto his stomach, pulling a pillow over his head and grunting in annoyance.

"What time is it?"You could hear from under the pillow.

Sebastian turned around an walked to the side of the bed Ciel was on, pulling the pillow from his head,"It is 6.... Now 6:32 in the morning of January 4th, My Lord."

Ciel groaned again, but rolled over anyway an sat up, giving Sebastian a glare,"I only asked what time it was.."Ciel stopped glaring when cup of Earl Grey tea was set in his hands.

"Oh.. then you must not know what event is to come in a weeks time..."Sebastian said, turning around and walking towards Ciel's wardrobe to find a suitable outfit for the day.

Ciel raised an eyebrow,"... What event? Has Elizabeth decided to throw another ball?... Without my consent?"

Sebastian chuckled,"No, but I am sure when she finds out, she will certainly want to start planning one.."

This spiked Ciel's intrest,"Then what is this event? Just tell me already!"Ciel ordered.

Sebastian had a smirk on his face as he turned around, walking over an setting clothes on the end of the bed,"On January 12th... is Lady Isabellena Carrington's birthday.."

Ciel's eyes widened,"Really!?"
Sebastian nodded.

"Mhm. The only child of Lord an Lady Carrington will turn 18 in just a week..."

Ciel became quiet. He had not known her birthday was so soon... well, he had not known of when her birthday was at all, really.

His 18th birthday was just a few weeks ago, so it was quite a surprise to find out Isabellena's was not that much longer away.

"How did you find out?"Ciel finally asked.

"The murder you told me to investigate, I picked up quite a few more facts then what I really needed, but I still thought you would like to know.."

Ciel's cheeks flushed an unwanted red at the things Sebastian was trying to insinuate.

Ciel turned his head away, feeling his neck start to turn warm,"Has Lady Carrington returned yet?"

Sebastian chuckled at his masters attempt to change the subject, but answered nonetheless,"No, but you have received a letter from Lady Carrington, which I have with me.."

"Give it to me!"

Letter in hand, Ciel tore the letter open, quickly unfolding the paper, his eyes landing on nice, elegant script.

Dear Lord Phantomhive,

I am deeply sorry about not returning, but I had alot to go over. I must regret to infrom you that I may not be able to return until tonight as I must wait for a response letter from a manager who runs the Carrington Manufacturing Company in London. I can not leave seeing as it has to do with the investigation.

Please forgive my rudeness,

Sincerely, Lady Isabellena Carrington

Ciel sighed, leaning his back against his headboard. Knowing that Isabellena will not return until the evening, Ciel's mood instantly dropped.

He had secretly hoped that when he woke up, that he would be told that Isabellena was there, waiting for him to hurry up an get ready so they can get started on the investigation.

But now that he knows he will have to wait almost all day to see her... it really put him in a mood.

And he didn't know why.

He had no reason to want to see Isabellena... other then to finish the investigation... but other then that... there was no reason...

Ciel thought it had to do with the feeling he had started to get ever since she left the night before.

A feeling of wanting to be with her a much as possible... that there was a time limit of their time together before she runs away..

Ciel threw the letter to the side, pushing the comforter away from his body.

"Hurry up an help me get dressed. We have alot to prepare today.."Ciel muttered, sliding off his bed and onto his feet.

"As you wish..."

At The Carrington Manor..

Isabellena laid awake in her bed, her body curled up around a pillow she hugged tightly to her chest.

She had been awake since dawn, an has just been staring blankly at her walls.... just thinking.

"Lady Isabellena... are you awake?"Isabellena heard her butler whisper through the door.

Not saying a word, Isabellena stayed still.

"I am coming in okay?.."Without waiting for her response, Isabellena heard the door to her bedroom open an close softly.

"My Lady... you know it is not good to stay in bed all day..."Nicolas lectured, walking to the right side of the large bed.

Isabellena only snuggled farther into the pillow, burying her face into the feather fabric.

Nicolas shook his head as he stared at his master. He noted that she looked kind of angelic with her shiny black hair spread out behind her an her pure white nightgown.

Like a fallen angel...

It almost made his heart clench in pain... Almost..

"Are you feeling sick, My Lady?"

He received only a small shake of her head.


Another shake of the head.

"... Is it because of your upcoming birthday?"

There was no movement from Isabellena an that made the corner of Nicolas's lips twitch. He reached a hand over an picked up a lock of Isabellena's hair, wrapping it around the end of his index finger.

"Aw... My Lady... there is no need to be sad. This was planned from the very beginning. It can not be changed and you know that.."Nicolas stated, as he examined the black lock around his finger for a few seconds before he let if fall..

"... I know... it is just..."

"Just what, My Lady?"

Isabellena softly shrugged her shoulders, bringing her legs up as close as she could to her chest with the pillow in her way.

"Lord Ciel Phantomhive... he-"

"What about that braty child?"Nicolas asked, his head tilted to the side,"... Do you feel something towards that boy?.."

Isabellena froze, her heart turning cold.

"You know... I have noticed that you do talk very much to him... an I overheard you talking to that loud an annoying blonde girl..."Nicolas added, a thoughtful expression on his face,"... You do know the consequences of befriending another human... do you not?"

Everything was silent. It was only after a moment that Isabellena spoke, her voice shaking. You could clearly hear the fear in her voice.

"...Yes I do..."Isabellena whispered, her voice threatening to stop,".. And no..."She started.

"I feel nothing towards Lord Ciel Phantomhive..."

Nicolas clapped his hands together, a smile on his face,"Excellent! Now that we have that all cleared up, let me find the perfect dress for you to wear today! Nothing to big, that way it will not end up like yesterday's...."

Isabellena stayed quiet, listening to the rambling of her butler. Her arms were almost bone white from how hard she was squeezing the pillow.

But alas... that was about the only thing she could do.

Just as the saying goes, things were already set in stone..

Or in Isabellena's case... blood...

Trapped in the Guard Dogs Cage | Ciel PhantomhiveWhere stories live. Discover now