14. BTS - Jungkook

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Hellllooo!! Back at it again with them messed up edits! Y'all missed 'em? I'm actually sorry.


Used PicsArt as always and it crashed, as always

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Used PicsArt as always and it crashed, as always. I might have to dig a grave for my phone. And myself.
I didn't do it in one day because of being actually busy ( I'm surprised too), just a little when I got the chance. But I find it really fun though.

Thank you for all the support I don't deserve on the others I posted, it's crazy, seriously..I'm sorry if I messed this one up, but it actually has a story, so read on!



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I'm sorry, I didn't intend on making it this sad, I can't stand it, but that's how inspiration hit at that moment. It is rushed,,,

Now, now,,,you might ask:

"Why is Jungkookie like thaaaat?! What happened???!"

Well,,,,,this edit is from--- I'm so cheap that I made an edit of a scene from "Red after Grey". Which is a Vkook fanfiction I tried to write but oh my, it is not good. So...this is inspired by a scene from there! Actually portrays one.

I won't tell you which, though. Maybe you can guess? Huhu, who am I kidding, who reads that thing :')) Ups :"))))))

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Picture used:
[It does not belong to me]

Picture used:[It does not belong to me]

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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