잘생긴 얼굴 (2)

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Jinyoung's POV

"I'm sorry, really."

Why must I be so clumsy? I came out of the grocery store and was in a rush, so I decided to walk a bit faster which was a bad idea, because I bumped into someone.

The boy stared at me, as if he had seen me before. Do I know him?

"What's your name?" I was shocked by his reaction. I expected to say either "No, it's fine." or "Are you blind or something?!" But none of these two sentences came out from his mouth.

"Jinyoung, and you?" Great job Jinyoung why would you ask for his name? Before he could say anything, my boss called.

"Hello? Yeah, I'll be there." I waved the boy goodbye and continued walking.

Aish....why did my boss had to call when I was actually having a proper conversation with someone, and that person had to be good-looking.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" My boss yelled at me. I swear to God I will go deaf one day because of him.

"I was buying some food for the rest of them."

"Ah I see."

I realized that the traffic light was already green so I decided to cross the road.

"Beeeeep!" I turned my head to see a car coming right at me. Everything was suddenly in slow-mo. I could't move my feet, like I was paralyzed for a second.

All of a sudden I felt a hand grabbing my wrist, pulling me back to the sidewalk.

Everything just happened in milliseconds, I couldn't recover from the shock and tears started to form in my eyes.

It was him,

the cute boy

He let go of me and wiped my tears off my cheeks. Man he even make guys feel fluttered.

"I'm Jihoon, nice to meet you. I hope we see each other again."

What.....just happened.....?

He left me standing there in confusion. I wanted to ask for his phone number, you know....because he saved me......no other reason...haha......but he left before I realized that he was gone.

Weeks have passed and I was desperate to me my savior.....

...my hero

I really wanted to at least treat him a meal to show how thankful I am, but I can't do all of this if I don't know where he is right?


I went to the nearest 7-Eleven and ate my triangle kimbap, as lunch, what I'm poor okay?

"Oh Jihoon! It's been a long time since you came here for ramyeon, where have you been?"

JIHOON?! No I should calm down, Jihoon is a common name. Knowing that I continued to look at my phone without checking that Jihoon's face.

It couldn't be him right?

"I left town for 2 weeks."

"Ah I see." He was having a conversation with the cashier. He must come here very often.

But his voice sounds familiar though....Forget it I'm gonna check.

I looked up to see a pair of dark brown eyes staring back at me. As I didn't expect it, I fell off the chair, head hitting the cold ground.


"Oh my god! Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you."

"Say....aren't you the guy that saved me the other day?" If my memories were working fine, it must be him!

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