Chapter 8

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Alice's POV.

As we walked out of the restaurant, we got a few curious looks. I ignored it and followed by Boris's side. When we exited boris asked me "you seem to know a lot about bendy and demons. Do you know why this is happening? Better yet do you know how we can stop this?" I thought for a moment. Ive never actually seen bendy like this nor did I know what to do in this case. "I sadly don't. This is the first time I've seen bendy like this. He doesn't seem to be sick or anything. Maybe it's normal? Maybe it's like a phase?" I said. Boris just sighed. "Let's just get him home" boris said. We soon arrived at the car. Boris unlocked it and got in the drivers seat. I remained holding bendy in my arms as I buckled him and me in. "Isn't that a little tight?" Boris asked. "It's a tad bit tight, but I figured bendy didn't want to let go of me. He's literally holding onto me for dear life." I said. "Yeesh, he must be in so much pain." Boris said as he started the car up.

The drive was mostly quiet besides a few heavy breaths from Bendy. I'm going to have to take a shower after this. He's so oozy and drippy. But I can stand it. It was a beautiful night. The sky was clear and you can see the stars shining so bright. It gives a sense of calmness and peacefulness. "Hey Alice. I got a question for ya." Boris said. "Okay. Lay it on me." I said. Boris hesitated for a moment. "You know Ive been thinking. Do you think he will come back and try to take bendy away again?" He asked as his ears went down. My heart dropped at the sound of that. But I sighed. "Enemies such as him always come back to claim what they think the person owes them. Bendy is a demon. One of the most powerful beings. And remember bendy says he sees him again. So there is a high chance of it." I said. "What does he even want with bendy?!" Boris asked. "Possibly his soul, his magical unpredictable powers, His guts for sick and twisted experiments, maybe a demons claw, the secret to immortality. There's a a decent list of possible wants and needs." I said. "But bendy isn't immortal is he? He can come close to... ya know." Boris said.  "Bendy's not he's just as vulnerable as me and you. But that doesn't make him weak. Oh no bendy actually has very high defense and possible attack and HP. Which could be why he managed to survive that long in the hands of the enemy." I explained.

Then an idea came to mind. "What If Bendy's going through a special phase that makes him nearly impossible to kill!? Or at least enhances his abilities. Maybe he feels in danger and this is kind of like a protection phase till he no longer feels threatened or in danger!" I said. "by the name of the great lord himself, you may be onto something Alice!" Boris said. I smiled. "But I can't know for sure. I may need to run a couple of tests. One of them he may not like." I said. "And what's that?" Boris asked. "I'll tell you later once we get bendy home and in bed." I said. "Alrighty then." Boris said. We soon arrived home and went inside. Boris led me to his and Bendy's room. Bendy still had a righty grip on me. "He's really clinging to you ain't he?" Boris asked. "Yup. Come on bendy you need to lay down" I said as I poked him a litter. I got a groan from him as he released his grip on me. He nearly fell to the floor but boris caught him and later him down in bed and tucked him in. Just like that. He was out like a light. "You may want to clean up. You got like ink all over ya. Isn't that uncomfortable?" Boris asked. I shrugged. "Imma go take a shower. I'll talk to you after I'm done." I said as I walked off. "Alrighty! See ya soon!" Boris waved me off.

[time skip brought to you by the heavenly choir]

After I finished getting dressed and drying my hair I walked down stairs. I was wearing my fluffy pajamas and my bunny slippers. "It must be nice not wearing those heels anymore." Boris said. I didn't even notice I walked into the living room. "It does feel so nice. And my feet feel free." I said as I sat next to boris. He was only wearing his pajama pants. "You don't sleep with a shirt?" I asked. "I used to, but then it kept getting uncomfortable and bendy kept whining because he loves to snuggle into my fur." Boris said. "Ah. So anyhow about my theory" I said. "Oh right. What you got in mind?" He asked. "Well as I said this inky problem at the moment may be because he feels threatened and in danger. So if this theory is correct if we take him to the place he hates or is scared of the most, his defense may go higher and he would become more hesitant, or at least more stronger. Basically what I'm saying is, if he goes to the place he's scared of or hates the most His mood will change causing him to be more on edge and defensive maybe even scared more." I said. "Okay so lemme summarize, basically you saying, Bendy goes to the place he hates or is scared of the most, his defense goes up till he no longer feels threatened?" Boris asked. "Eh yeah I guess it's hard to explain. But I guess that's as good of a hypothesis as we're gonna get till we run a better experiment." I said.

Boris nodded. "Let's first start off slow and make our way up to... going to the place he hates the most..." boris said. I nodded. Oh Bendy's in for one heck of a ride.

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