Chapter 4

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Boris's POV.

I love him with all my heart but he can get quite demonic sometimes. "So what exactly happened?" I asked. Bendy's grumpy expression softened as its now a sad and worried one. "I don't wanna talk about it" bendy said. I looked to Alice, she just nodded and said "hey bendy you look a bit tired, maybe you should rest a bit." I saw bendy nod "Yeah I not feeling the best either... I'll go lay down." He said as he got out of Alice's arms and stumbled he way up the stairs and tp our bedroom. I was worried he might fall, but I heard the door open and close, so that worry washed away. I then looked back to Alice. "Okay I'll explain what happened." Alice said as she took a seat on the couch, I sat next to her. "So what happened was, well you probably already know I'm going to stay here for a bit because my daddy's orders" Alice said. "Yes I'm well aware of that, kind of obvious when I could see a suitcase next to the couch and a extra laptop from heaven." I stated which made Alice giggle a little.

"Anyhow, So me and bendy were having some tea when all of a sudden his inking problem started. I saw bendy lose his balance a bit, so I took immediate action and ran over to his side. I then guided him to the couch to lay down. When he did I felt his head, he seemed to have been burning up, but he wasn't showing signs of being ill. So I went and grabbed a ice pack, he set it on his head and he just looked so emotionless, then I called you, but before I could finish my sentence, bendy shot up and screamed. Which caused me to drop my phone and run over to him. He looked like he was having a mental break down. That's why when you came here, I said he may be mentally unstable. And that's basically it." Alice explained. It was a long explanation but it gave me a lot of information. I nodded. "You don't think... you know... right?" Alice asked. I thought for a minuet then it hit me like a brick to the snout. "Oh dear lord... but I thought... it can't be..." I said. Alice looked at me with a confused and concerned expression. "He's Back..." I said. Alice's eyes widen in fear. Alice is well aware of this situation, she knows everything me and bendy know. Since she's my closest friend and Bendy's closest cousin, we figured we should tell her, Incase we may need back up at any point. "Oh when I find him imma punch him really hard in the face! Or maybe attack him using my heels they could be good weapons" Alice said. "Well they do have a point to 'em, So Yeah, think you may be able to use them." I said. Alice just smiled and feels proud to wear them weapons she calls high heels.

"Oh shoot, I should probably set up the spare bedroom for you, since Bendy's in bed." I said. "It's Okay, I can do most of the work for you. All I probably need is bed sheets and a blanket." Alice said. I hummed in agreement as I stood up. Alice got up as well. Won't lie, it's nice to have a close friend stay with us, makes this place seem more friendly and welcoming. I then guided her up the stairs to the spare bedroom. "Hey Alice, it's been a while. Where did all of our other friends go?" I asked. "I don't know honestly. They all kind of disappeared. Without a trace, no reports show they were kidnapped. Maybe they moved out of state or town." Alice said as she shrugged. "Oh. Anyhow here's where you'll be staying." I said as I opened the door. "Whoa! This room is huge! And the walls are scattered with clouds and a pastel blue background it's so beautiful!" Alice said as she walked in spun around in the room. "Bendy wanted the spare room to look like this because he felt more at ease, which is why every room of the house is more on the calming side of colors and designs." I spoke. "Did you not have a say in what designs you'd like?" Alice asked.

"Oh I did, I chose the designs of mine and Bendy's room, and the four bathrooms, plus the kitchen and the outside of our house." I said. "So bendy did some of the inside and you did the some inside and out? Also there's four bathrooms?" Alice asked. "Yes and yes, there are 3 rooms in this house each having their own bathrooms, and one for guests and what not." I said. "Wow." Alice awed. I just chuckled. "I'll go get you bag and the pillows, sheets, and blanket for you" I said as I walked out to go grab her stuff. I soon later returned with her stuff. I found alice laying on the floor giggling. I set her stuff down and looked at her. "Sorry! I got a text from one of my friends in heaven. She told me about her day and how the boy of her dreams fell into a cloud pit and was carried out like a bride by one of his friends. The funny thing was, it was a girl!" Alice said as she sat up as she giggled. "Oh. Anyhow here's your stuff" I said. She thanked me and grabbed everything. I then left her be to get settled in to check up on bendy.

He seemed fast asleep. I walked over and crouched in front of him, Alice was right he did look really tired and he did look like he wasn't well. I sighed and swept aside some hair that was covering his face. He didn't look at ease. I gave him a kiss on the head and tucked him in, he seems to have eased up a bit. I then walked downstairs and looked at the time. "Only 3:30pm? Wow. I did end up taking the rest of my shift off. Maybe I could plan a dinner out. That would probably help bendy, and it gives us a perfect time to catch up and hang out like good ol' friends. That'll be nice." I said to myself. So I got straight to work to find a restaurant we all loved. Then I remembered the one restaurant we'd always loved. It was a family one so it was perfect!

BOUNUS! CHARACTER  DRAWINGS! Thought I should draw the 3 main characters.

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not a huge fan of how boris came out, but too late now

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not a huge fan of how boris came out, but too late now.

not a huge fan of how boris came out, but too late now

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