Chapter 6

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Bendy's POV.

We soon arrived at the restaurant. Once boris pulled into the parking lot I swiftly unbuckled, open the door and slide out. I was excited! I haven't been here for years. My tail was swaying side to side in excitement. Alice and boris soon got out of the car and joined by my side. "Hey, Me and the heavenly clouds preformed here Once! I think it was like a year or so ago." Alice said. I awed then tugged at both Alice's and Boris's arms "let's go! Lets go!" I said impatiently. Boris and Alice just chuckled as I tugged at them. "Alrighty bendy, we're coming, we're coming." Boris said as he gave me a quick peck on the lips. I covered my face in embarrassment. I didn't like boris showing public displays of affection because I don't what people to judge us. "Come one gay boys, let's go in" Alice said. I followed Alice and boris inside. "Hello! may I help you?" The lady at the front desk said. "I have a reservation for 3 under the name Boris" boris said. The lady looked through the reservation book. "Boris the Wolf?" She asked. Boris nodded. "Okay So two adults and one child?" The lady asked. Alice snickered. I mean I know I'm short and all but I'm not a child. "HEY!" I said. "Yes dear child? Would you like a balloon?" She asked.

I growled and hopped up onto the desk, "I am freaking 21 years old! I'm not a kid! That's literally so rude against short people!" I said. Boris grabbed me and held me close I tried to get him to let go of me. "Hey! I'm not done telling her what for! Put me down ya nut!" I said as I squirmed in his grip. Alice quickly started to pet my horns. I melted into it and calmed down. "Oh forgive my cousin, he really doesn't like to be reminded he's short and is easily mistaken for a child." Alice said. "Oh! Forgive me, I really need to watch my words, here I'll go get you seated and free unlimited drinks as an apology." They lady said. "It's Okay it happens all the time. And thank you Ms." Boris said. After that the lady sat us down at a table. I was still a little grumpy But Hey, free drinks. I rested my head on the table out of boredom. Then a waiter walked up to our table. "Hello, I'm Sanity and I'll be your waiter for tonight, can I start you off with drinks and appetizers?" The demon waiter asked. I looked at the menu. "Uh I'll have a normal lemonade" boris said. "I'll have have the Berry Healthy Smoothie" Alice said. "I want a milkshake" I said. "What kind would you like sir?" Sanity asked. I looked at the options till one caught my eyes "I want mint chocolate double fudge please!" I said. "Alrighty, So a plain lemonade for the wolf, Berry Healthy Smoothie for the Ms. and a mint chocolate double fudge for the demon? Any appetizers?" Sanity asked.

"Uh what do you want bendy?" Boris asked me. I scanned over the menu in the appetizer section. "I want onion rings with tarter sauce" I said. "Okay we'll get the onion rings with two sides of ranch and tarter sauce please." Boris said. "Alrighty, I'll be back with your drinks and appetizer shortly." The waiter said and walked off. I grew a bit bored and started to twirl my tail around my finger. "OMG! Is that Alice Angel!?!" Someone said. Alice jolted up and tried to hide herself with her wings, but it was to late. "Blasted fan girls..." Alice whispered to herself. The person was already over here and examining Alice. "Are you Alice Angel?! You look so like her! Even your wings feel real." The girl said. Alice pulled her wings away and Folded them as close to her body as she could. I could tell she was uneasy. "Uhhh... y-yes I'm Alice Angel, but no need to get all excited. I'm just any ordinary angel that's all." Alice said. "But the one and only Alice is hear! And I can't ignore that this is a once in a life time opportunity to meet you! Oh say cheese!" The girl said as she took a picture. "Uh could you be so kind as to leave her alone she's obviously uncomfortable Ms." Boris said

Another thing about me is that I've grown more short tempered. I got up and walked between Alice and the girl. "Hey lady! Do you mind leaving my cousin alone?!? Your making her uncomfortable!" I said as I crossed my arms and impatiently tapped the ground with my shoe. "Awwww aren't you just the cutest little demon around?" The lady said as she reached to pat my head. I moved my head back to avoid her hand. "Touch me and you'll lose that hand" I said as I bared my sharp teeth. The lady obviously didn't hear my warning because she started to pet my head. Soon I was picked up and spun around. "Aww he's so cute! So small!" She said as she hugged me. "Uh I wouldn't agitate him like that if I were you, he has a temper" Alice said. "Oh how can something so cute and small have a temper? That's ridiculous!" The girl said. I growled. I used my tail to slap her because I didn't have access to my arms. "Hands off the prize lady!" I hissed as she dropped me. Boris at some point got up because he was now holding me back from biting the girl. Then he sat me back in my seat and talked with the girl. I sat in my seat with my arms crossed and I huffed. I think I made a scene. Boris eventually got her away from our table and sat back down. He looked a little stressed. I sighed. "Borisy... I'm sorry for making a scene." I apologized as I became more shy. "It's not you Bendy, you were standing up for yourself and Alice. And nothings wrong with that." Boris said. "Yeah! It's sweet that you like to stand up for others! You may get a little threatening at times, but it's all for a good reason. Don't ever change that. That what makes you unique." Alice said as she gave a sweet little kiss on my head. My tail started to wag a bit. I definitely feel more at ease now and much more calmer.

The demon and the wolf... the sequel (COMPLETED!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora