"Here's your stop." I thank the driver, pay the toll, and step out of the vehicle, prior to him speeding off to his next destination. I look around and realize I'm at a Tesco. 

((I'm not from England, nor have I ever been there -or any country in Europe for that matter-, so I have no idea how popular Tesco is or if it's even used anymore. Forgive me if it's not, forget about this if i makes sense. thank you!))

I whip out my phone after grabbing hold of a cart, and texting Louis.

Niall: What was it you wanted me to buy?

Within seconds I get a reply.

Louis: Tea, biscuits, mint gum, gummy bears, and crisps please! 

Niall: ok

I pick up Louis' requested items first, before going on a hunt for things to stock our dorm kitchen. 10 minutes after I start my wander, I get another text from Louis.

Louis: Irish, can you pick me up some lube and condoms? I'm almost out. 

I make my way to the isle with what Louis wants, and almost gasp at all the different brands everything has.

Niall: Anything specific you want? Brand wise?

Louis: Just make sure the condoms are XL. Thanks.

I stare down at his text, before returning my gaze to the stocked shelfs in front of me. After further inspection, i have come to the conclusion that XL is that largest size they have. 

Hmm.... I wonder what size would fit me? i garb Louis' condoms, and his lube. I continue on my way out of the isle.

Around 1 hour later, I have a cart full of what Louis and I will need, along with what Louis and I might want. Along with some napkins, and straws, seeing as the dorm already had plates, cups, and cutlery. Once I get to the cashier, the lady looks at me in shock.

"Wow.. that's.. a lot of stuff. You sure your have the money for it all?" I look down at her name tag, it reads "Liberty."

"Yeah, I'm sure." I smile at Liberty kindly, prior to her beginning to scan my items. Half way through them all, she starts conversation. 

"So, this is a lot of stuff you're buying. Are you having a party or something?" She peaks up at me, mild interest lacing her eyes. As soon as I get a peak into her eyes, I see what she is. A fairy, no wonder. Asides from the fact that fairies can alter/numb emotions and do other various things, they are always sweet and kind, but very curious, well, all the ones I have met

"No." I state blandly, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "I just moved into my Uni dorm, and I have a dorm mate. There was no food, so I decided to get some." 

Liberty just nods as she takes in my information. After a while she speak again, but only to tell me my very high total. I hand her the exact amount in cash, making her eyes blow wide. After collecting my bags, I leave the Tesco, and hail a cab once again, heading back to campus.

It takes a lot of effort and a lot of time to get back into the dorm with all these groceries, but I somehow manage to do it alone, even though it felt like I was carrying a million pounds in each arm. Once I'm In, I call out Louis' name, but I get no answer. that's when I see a note of the fridge.


Gone out to meet with the girl. Not sure when I'll be back, definitely tomorrow though. I might bring the girl back to our dorm, who knows. Hope you don't mind, thanks.


I shrug and toss the note in the trash. I guess he can bring her around. It might be nice to meet some new people right? But what would they even do? There doesn't seem like much to do on a date here if you haven't got it planned. Oh well, I guess I'll find out.

I quickly stash the groceries away, being left with a fully stocked fridge, freezer and cupboards. Once I'm done I place Louis' condoms and lube on his bed.

I rush into the washroom, ripping off my shirt and throwing it on the floor. I grab hold of the counter before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. This is it.

A small white glow is in the room for seconds, then it's gone, and my body is flooded with instant relief I didn't know I was so desperate for. The relief doesn't last long, because in seconds, a lightly growing pain spreads through my body.

I open my eyes, to see my reflection.

My wings spread open, looking weak and feeling sore, with splotches of blood, caked on here and there. This is why i shouldn't leave my wings in their dormant form for too long. I wince at the sight, getting more used to the small pain.

"Oh, shit."


whoah! surprise chapter!! This wasn't really planned, I just have a few chapters pre written, and i thought I'd publish this one today. 


How is everyone anyway? Good I hope!

Well, that's all for now!! 

Have a great day!! 

-Laylania xxx

Chaos - NouisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ