One - Starter Chapter

Start from the beginning

After that comes Namjoon. He may not be High King but he has the knowledge to be one. If only he had been born first. His knowledge surpasses all of us brothers and can put our greatest professors to shame. He speaks many languages, reads thousands of books, and can do math like no man before. His brain makes the educated and well read ladies feel appreciated, as they talk for hours about books they've read or plays they've seen. His social skills are quite beautiful, and sometimes he acts as an ambassador to the other kingdoms. He commonly is in charge of planning everything, and usually ends up acting like the High King more so than Jin.

After Namjoon is Jimin. He is the oldest of the youngsters. He is more of the childish one, I think. He loves to be clingy and cares a lot about all of us. He also is a huge flirt with both men and women alike, coming in third in looks and first in 'sexual appeal'. (Namjoon had to explain that to me.) (I guess I have good sexual appeal as well.) Anyways, Jimin likes to dance as well, normally in his free time he practices dances with Hoseok. He also sings with me, our voices, though they differ, meld well together. His voice can go much higher than mine, hitting many falsetto notes that only I can dream of hitting. He also is very kind to his people, making sure they are happy and well taken care of. He is also the brother that is closest to me, sharing my birth year. Just to say, Mother had a rough time with us when we were children."

You paused, chuckling at how informal his descriptions had suddenly gotten, making him sound less like a king and more like a young boy talking about his family.

"Next is myself, Taehyung. I am the second oldest of the youngsters. Many have told me I am second in looks after Jin, but I think all of my brothers are quite handsome. I love to fool around, and make the ladies of the court swoon. I also like to sing in my spare time, many saying my voice sounds like rich chocolate. My brothers say I am the best flirt, teasing many hearts with my devilishly good looks, though I would say that I'm just looking for the one heart that matches mine."

You again paused to chuckle at your narrator's description of himself. He seemed like quite a talker, and one who had a slightly large ego at that. You blinked, checking the time, but not processing it fully before looking around a few times to make your eyes less tired. You then continued.

"Last, though not least is Jungkook. He is the youngest of us all, though his looks are very deceiving. He looks much older than what he really is, making ladies confused sometimes. He has the best voice out of all of us brothers though, and when he sings with me and Jimin, it sounds wonderful. He can do great impressions of practically anyone, and he is quite the tease as well. Even though he is the baby of the family, he acts like he's older than Jin, and loves to make fun of Jimin's short height. Many find him just as attractive as Jin, Jimin and I, which I would have to agree with. 

So. These are my brothers. We are the 7 Kings of Korin, and welcome, to our story."

The chapter finished and you smiled.

'These kings sound like fun. I wish I could meet them.' You thought, disappointedly.

Leaving your wishful thoughts, you turned the page to find nothing on it, no words, page numbers or pictures. The next pages were the same way. Then, on the last page, printed in small lettering, there was a sentence in the middle of a page.

It read:

"If you wish to continue, read these words aloud. Kings, Korin, Dreams, Curses, Love, Death, Adventure, Choice, I wish to see the rest of the story."

You sighed thinking that the author was stupid for making the beginning so well done and then not finishing it, or really even starting it. But, ignoring the fact that it seemed weird, and because you had nothing better to do, you decided to do the one thing that it told you to.

'Well at least no one is here to see me do this.' You thought, but looked around still, just to make sure.

You reread the sentence in your head and then said it aloud.

"Kings, Korin, Dreams, Curses, Love, Death, Adventure, Choice, I wish to see the rest of the story."

Nothing happened. Not a single thing was heard except the rain outside for a few minutes. Then you began to grow extremely sleepy, your eyes closing on their own. Panic rose inside you before the blackness enveloped you, and you felt nothing more.


So I'm starting this new story... Ta da!

Depending on how many of you vote and comment and like it, then I may continue it. SO tell me what you think and stuff. It is greatly appreciated.

Hope that wasn't stupid... and hope you enjoyed it lol. It's a start anyways.



Gonna tag people so they are drawn to the book to read. Sorry!!!


Just saying, you don't have to read this. I just wanted people to see and give feed back.

Love you all!

Aluna💙 x2

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