
D: If I ever got the power to turn invisible the first thing I would do is go to France and beat up a mime
W: They would think he was the best performer of all time
D: And I would get to beat up a mime


W: My 9 year old cousin got a bad burn on her hand and as she was crying she placed her hands over my heart and goes "ahhh, so nice and cold."
D: I want to meet this child
D: Now


D: My eyebrows are the source of all my power
W: I thought that was your ass?
D: No, my ass is the source of all the power


D: I'm not a bitch I'm the bitch


W: Who needs April fools when your entire life is a joke


D: Puppies are touchable happiness
W: Someone needs to get you a dog


W: Dick?
D: What?
W: Where's my uniform?
D: What?
W: Where. Is. My. Uniform?!
D: I put it away
D: Why do you need to know?
W: I need it!
D: Uh-uh! Don't you think about running off and doing stupid shit with James and Hartley! We've been planning this dinner for two-weeks!
W: The city is in danger!
D: My evenings in danger!
W: You tell me where my uniform is, Dick! We are talking about the greater good!
D: "Greater good'?! I am your best friend! I'm the greatest GOOD your ever gunna get!


D: Do re mi fa so done with you
W: Did you just tell me off through a musical scale?

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

W: What has four letters and is hard
R: Rock
D: Dick
R: Math
D: Life
W: That got real deep real fast

---- [W -> D] ----

D: Isn't it weird that we pay money to see other humans?
W: Are you talking airplane tickets, prostitution, or the movies? 
D: Glasses


W: 6 was afraid of 7 because 7, 8, 9 but why did 7 eat 9?
D: Because you're supposed to eat 3 square meals a day


D: If I make you breakfast in bed a smile and "thank you" will suffice, none of this "How did you get in my house?" Stuff. So rude.


W: Do you feel guilty?
W: Like- at all?
D: I don't have time to and neither do you


D: I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong


W: Where is death when you need it?
D: On vacation
D: Lazy bitch


D: Anything that requires more than 6% effort
D: Dickie ain't gunna do it


W: We have five people trying to kill us right now, what are we supposed to do?!
D: Actually it's more like eight
W: Oh, sorry I wasn't specific enough!


D: Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into?
W: Oh god, we're going to die aren't we?
D: It's a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself 
W: You absolutely do not


W: You forgot me
D: It was an accident


D: Hey, I didn't kill anyone today!
W: What do you want, a gold star?
D: What? No, of course not
D: I want a victim


W: Why are you so much better at drinking than I am?
D: Lets be real, I'm better than you at everything
W: You have a point


D: Oh, look at all the pretties!
W: Can you please stop talking about assault rifles the same way you talk about kittens?


W: I'm getting really tired of watching you get thrown off of high places
D: How do you think I feel?!


D: You know, no one bothered me this much when I was dead


W: You-you are-
D: Beautiful, a genius, immensely talented-
W: Dangerous


D: I am either going out for ice cream or to commit another felony
D: I'll decide in the car


W: I never stood a chance did I?
D: That's the sad part, you did- once


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