» Chapter 4

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---- [W -> D] ----

W: Knock knock
D: Hello?
W: You're supposed to say 'who's there?'
W: It's the most basic of jokes!
D: Your the most basic of jokes




W: What is it called when you shot someone on Halloween
D: Trigger treating
W: dude


D: What should I be for Halloween?
W: My boyfriend
D: Okay
D: But I expect all of your KitKats


D: What's December without Christmas Eve?
W: February
W: Fucking February


W: I dressed up as a Target worker last year and they started training me to work there so I worked at Target for awhile
D: This year you should dress up as a successful high school student
W: You're so mean to me


D: Laptop overheating??? Pour water on it!
W: To think I trust you
D: Do not trust people like me. I will take you to museums and parks and ice cream parlours and kiss you in every beautiful inch of this world, I will make you live for the moments where your heart beats faster and you feel so hot it's like your swimming in lava, I will make you need me. I will make it so you can't go back to the way it was, so you can't escape the cold grip that freezes your heart and threatens to shatter it. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. I will make it so you can't look at the stars without tasting blood and remembering those moments where the wind sang and the world was colourful. Then, when I leave, you will finally understand why storms are named after people, and your world will be nothing but black and white.


W: My teacher is dressed up as a stingray


D: Getting married on Halloween would be great because
D: 1) Never worry about forgetting an anniversary
D: 2) Forget formal wear, guests wear costumes, end of story
D: 3) Pumpkin pie wedding cake
D: 4) Who throws bouquets? I want to Lunch a whole pumpkin over my head
W: You've thought a lot about this
W: Don't deny it
W: I can tell


D: Do you think pigeons have feelings?


W: Dude you smoother than a smoothie
D: I'm too hot


D: Yes, yes it is
D: Is time travel possible?


W: I'm an idiot
D: ...
W: ...
D: ...
D: If your waiting for me to disagree it's going to be a long night

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

R: Why am I dressed like a clown
W: Do you not like it?
R: Dick I know this is your idea
D: What makes you say that?!
R: Wally never dose anything unless you tell him to
W: That's not true!
D: It's okay: Roy doesn't know what he's talking about
D: Can you come help me with homework?
W: On my way!
R: ...
D: Not a word Roy
D: Not. A. Word

---- [W -> D] ----

D: February shouldn't be 28 days (29 on a leap year)
D: Instead we should take the 31st days off the first two months and give them to February, making it have 30 days for all years
W: But what about the leap year?
D: October 32nd, Halloween: Part ll
W: You're the genius this generation deserves


W: "Poison" is a social construct created to keep me from eating delicious mushrooms I find on the ground
D: Your so lucky you have me


D: Question: Do I get out of bed or stay in it?
W: Both. You get out of your bed, then get in mine


W: I lost my number
W: Can you give me yours?
W: Your credit card number that is


W: Notice how all of humanity has gone downhill since they decided Pluto want a planet anymore
D: Actually, Pluto was the Roman's name for Hades. They named a planet after the god of death then revoked its planetary status and thought everything would be okay
W: We are a society of fools


W: If you ever find yourself trapped in a Disney movie remember one thing...
W: If it's lime green, it's evil
D: Every Villain Is Lime


W: Why do I keep hearing rumours of a 'hot ebony with blue eyes and a Gothimte accent' eating lunch in the school cafeteria?
D: So, they think I'm hot huh?


D: Alight fine
D: But we have to be quiet
W: Ninja mode activated


W: When I get pet snek
W: its name shall be William Snakespeare
D: Rumblesnakeskin


D: You can say "have a nice day" no problem, but you can't say "enjoy the next 24 hours" without sounding vaguely threatening


W: Hey, I'm gonna tell you a secret
W: Palm trees? In the same family as grass
W: It's a grass that got so big we were like "yeah, that's a tree"
W: But it isn't
W: You cut it open, there are no rings
W: No branches
W: Just big ol' leaves made of lies


D: 'Honeymoon' is an interesting term because an actual moon made of honey would imply space bees


W: Tupperware more like tupperWHERE THE FUCK IS THE LID


D: What if your teeth were actually soft and just got hard when you got hungry


W: I thought the CVS guy was going to ask me to join their rewards program but he said "enjoy your night" so I said "not today, thanks" and left


D: you have the self-control of an acorn


W: I was in a pumpkin field a few days before Halloween and there was this one pumpkin that was like four times bigger than the others and this girl with purple hair walked by with her friend and said: "Look, Garfield, this pumpkin is almost as big as your fucking ego!" And I've never seen anyone look so betrayed
D: ...
D: His name was Garfield


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