Old Enemy Returns

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

 I followed Bella inside as we made our way to the side. Walking in I looked around see all the mirrors and remembered Alice's vision. Hopefully with out decision to come here she will see that and it will have them here faster.

"Bella? Bella? Where are you?"


As Bella took off I followed at a slower pace. Something was wrong but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. As we neared it sounded like Bella's mom was talking to someone. As Bella opened the door I growled. It was all on a TV and we were both tricked. Evil chuckling had be turn keeping Bella behind me.

"That's my favorite part. You were a stubborn child weren't you."

As he moved closer I growled curling my hands into fists. HE moved forward running his fingers down Bella's cheek then turning to touch my face.

"An then there is you so interesting. Your eyes are now blue."

"Bella's mother was never here!"

"Sorry." He grabbed both my and Bella's necks pinning us to the wall before moving forward and running his nose down my cheek then neck. "You have no scent. I wonder if your blood will taste good."

"My mother was never here?"

James chuckled. "Sorry you really made it to easy. So to make things a little more interesting I'm gonna make a film of our time together." He moved away pulling out a camera. "I borrowed this from your house hope you don't mine." He opened the camera. "And action...... Oh this will break Emmett and Edward's heart."

I shook with a growl as Bella huffed. "They have nothing to do with this."

"Oh but they do. Their anger will make a far more interesting sport then their feeble attempt to protect you two."

I growled talking a step toward James. "You are sadly mistaking if you think I need them to protect us." With that I threw out my hand sending James flying back. "Run Bella." I pushed her in front of me as we ran for the door.

I felt my heart stop when a strong grip grabbed my shoulder throwing backward. I groaned looking up to see James throw Bella into a pillar.

"Beautiful very visual dynamic."

With a growl I got up an speed to Bella pushing James back. "Stay the hell away."

He smiled as he tilted his head. "So you are one of them."

"One of who?"

He just smiled but the next line made me freeze. "Don't tell me you are still ignorant."

I turned looking at the new comer. I felt myself shake in anger and fear. My throat vibrated with a growl. "Tanner!"

He moved beside James and smiled. "Well, well angel. It seems like you know more then we last met." When I growled my body shaking. "There is something different about you."

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