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taehyung's pov

i revved my car's engine

speeding down the highway

just to see


just to see


why she won't answer me

why she won't speak a word

down the road

three rights and a left

her house is in view

the old oak tree standing

like a guardian

her guardian to be exact

i step out of the car

the wind blows cold into my face

an eery silence settles over the property

i knock on the door

hoping to hear a noise

hoping for her embrace

hoping for her health

her safety


but i got nothing

no sign of her

yet her car was in the driveway

her cat sitting in the window

her bike next to the porch

something is wrong

something is not right

why do i feel

as if an

unnatural force is

driving me to

turn away

to leave her be

but i can't

and i won't

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