chapter 104-wet night!

Start from the beginning

E<"i dont know,(she looked down), i just thought that tonight marked the night this,(she pointed between them),would've been over cause of what i have been through, what i put you through, what i put teddy through. Cause there are limits with people and i..."

J <"erin,(he tapped her leg, motioning her to sit in his lap. She rolled onto her knees and onto his lap),people have limits but mine are endless. I dont know if i told you this alot to prove it to you, but i am in love with you erin lindsay. I have been since the day i laid eyes on you. People say that it takes i while for love to enter and feel stuff for someone, but i knew that there was something about you that would make you the most important person in my entire life, and look where we are at,(he clasped their hands together the one that had the engagment ring),we are getting married,(he smiled and erin breathed in a breathe and tried holding her tears back),i am getting married to you"(he wipes the tears from her eyes away as they began to fall)

E <"im sorry,(she started crying),for everything i have put you through"(she cried in his arms, resting her head on his shoulder while his arms wrapped around her entire body and kissed her neck to shoulder)

J <"stop, you dont need to say sorry, as long as your happy th..."

E <"i am happy,(she said pulling away),probably the happiest i have ever been, but i know that bunny will not stop trying to ruin this"(she said playing with his scruff while jay ran his hands from her legs, hips and up)

J <"i wont let it happen, cause here,(he grabbed her hand and set it against his chest so she can feel his heartbeat), is what starts beating the most when i see you. And if it stops, i mine as well just go bye bye for good, cause you,(he pushed her body closer towards his),are my life now, and forever"(they looked eachother in the eyes for quiet a time. Erin pecked his lips then the whole situation got heated. He lifted her a bit so he can fix the way he was sitting then set her back down once she felt him inbetween her legs. She cupped his face and gasped at the feeling of pleassure ride up on her so quick as she tightened her grasp around his body as the kiss deepened)

E <"i missed this"(she whispered in his ear as she pressed her front against him and continued rocking her hips)

J <"me to"(he kissed her neck and lower)

E <"jay,(she moaned as she bite the skin in the crevise of his shoulder. With all his muscle, he stood onto his feet with erin now wrapping her legs around him. He crashed her against the shower wall and kissed her dangerously as she pushed his waist forward so she can feel him more),please..."(she held onto him so tight as her back kept getting pushed against the glass door with the force of jays thrust. He pinned her shoulders on the wall so she couldnt move. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him)

J <"so--beautiful"(he kissed her hungrily as her head rested onto the wall and arched her body forward. He ran his hand down her neck her breasts her stomach and right at her waist line)

E <"jay, please"(she begged wrapping an arm around his neck as she pushed off the wall with the other hand and moaned. He ran his hands through her hair then placed her against the wall again but facing forward)

J <"you wanna"?(he asked as he pressed his front against her back and ran his hands down her love handles)

E <"yes please"(she whispered. As she felt him she breathed in a long breathe and arched her head back, while closing her eyes. Her whole body was squashed against the wall. Jay towered over her and stuck his hand inbetween her body and the wall then ran it down further stopping at her sweet spot. Once he started she started breathing really heavily as she had an arm around his neck. He cupped a breast as his other hand was doing a different trick. She leaned her body against his a she kept taking in the feeling of his hands touring her body. She turned around and kissed him again walking towards the other wall and pushing his face towards hers more. He picked her leg up and placed it on the side of his waist as she felt him again)

E <"i love you,(she whispered),so-(she swallowed hard),much"(her breasts grazed his chest as he picked her up and had the wall supporting her more)

J <"your amazing"(he groaned as he felt erin moving her hips. A little after 10 minutes they finally finished)

E <"ugh...i missed doing that everyday"(she said as her a jay sat on the floor of the bathroom in towels eating twizlers that jay brought in after the shower)

J <"same, this body of yours...needs lovin everyday"(he smirked at her...)

E <"wanna get dressed nice and cozy and sit on the balcony...i wanna get my mind of things"?(she asked looking him in the eyes)

J <"that wasnt a good enough distraction?(he asked, pointing towards the shower),guess ill have to work harder next time...(erin snorted then laughed hard, she loves jays silliness),nah im just playing with you, ofcourse we can sit on the balcony babe"(he stood up tightening the towel around his waist and putting a hand out for erin. When she stood up her body crashed into jays and they looked at eachother lovingly)

E <"lets go get changed"(she smiled after kissing his nose and walking into the bedroom. The thought interuppted them as erins phone rang. She was busy getting her bra on so jay came up behind her and clasped it for her)


E <"hello"?

V <"hey, i got a question for you"

E <" it"(she tried putting her underwear on but that was a struggle to so Jay chuckled and helped her out then started kissing her thigh. She lightly slapped him upon is bare wet shoulder and laughed)

V <"you and jay broke up"?

E <"what!!!? Why would you ask that"?(she asked getting defensive. Jay was dressed and walked up to her then wrapped his arms around her bare waist)

V <"oh my gosh, why do i listen to her"?

E <"listen to who hank"?(she asked playing with jays cargo sweats)

V <"bunny"

E <"what do you mean"?(she asked, Jay letting her go and facing her, worry spreading across his face)

V <"she stopped by to see teddy and started bashing you and jay, saying how you ran into her at the navy pier and blew her off and got into a fight with jay"

E <"oh my god, this lady is gonna get it"(she said placing a hand on jays bare chest)

V <"real question is, how does she know where i live"?



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