chapter 104-wet night!

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(Jay gathered the keys in his hand while trying to keep erin standing. She was dozing off in the elevator and almost fell on the crowd of people. He unlocked the apartment door making erin aware of her surroundings)

E <"im gonna go take a shower" (she said walking out of his embrace but stumbled on the shoes but jay caught her)

J <"erin careful"(he giggled)

E <"sorry"(she smiled and walked off)

(Erins POV)
I was in a desperate need of a shower, i was freezing, i needed to drown my sorrows in 100 degree water, and i needed some quietness, not that jay isnt quiet i just...i need to process all of this, cause now my mother aint leaving!

(Erin stripped herself infront of the mirror, seeing the laziness of the scar that she had after her still showed. She turned the knob so the water was on its hottest temp then walked in. She gasped a bit then got used to it, just standing under the boiling water)

*knock knock*

V <"teddy can you get that while i get this pot out of the oven"(he asked looking into the living room)

T <"yeah sure,(he walked over towards the door and opened it, suprised of who was standing in front of him),mom"?

B <"hey sweety,(she smiled),nice home you go...(she looked forward towards the man walking to the door),hank"(she sounded annoyed)

V <"why the hell are you here"?

B <"i wanted to see my boy"(she smiled)

T <"one i am not your boy, two, get the hell of hanks property before i give him permission to arrest you, or three ill have erin and jay come here"(he grinned)

B <"you can forget about erin and jay, she broke up with him"

V+t <"WHAT"?(they were now curious)

B <"yup, she ran into me on the navy pier and started a whole load of crap. Then her and jay started fighting... (she looked around), well my time here is done...see you soon honey"(she started walking away)

V <"bunny wait"

B <"bbyyeee"(she waved, got in her car, started it then drove off)

(Erin was still in the shower after 35 minutes and jay was getting worried. He walked into the bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door)

J <"babe, you okay?(no reponse. He knocked again),babe?.....erin"?

E <"what yeah,(she lost train of thought),im okay"(jay didnt wanna push her)

J <"can you let me in i have to get something"... (no response! Jay felt on the door frame for the spare key and put it into the lock and turned it letting out a bunch of steam that was trying to escape the bathroom from erins hot shower. As soon as he entered he was sweating)

J <"babe, why do you take such hot showers?(she didnt answer),babe"(he opened the shower door to seeing her sitting on the floor back facing the entrance. Her backside was so red from the boiling water. He gained more worry and started stripping his clothes so he can be near her. Once he was naked he sucked in a breathe and stepped into the shower lowering the steam then taking a seat next to her)

J <"babe talk to me, whats wrong,(she didn't answer),er,(he put his finger under her chin then lifted it so she was looking at him),please your worrying me"(her eyes aside from the water, were tearing)

E <"i dont wanna lose you"(she looked him in the eyes and bit her lip)

J <"what,(he looked at her upset),erin...why would you think that"(he rubbed her chin)

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