The Fight In This Woman

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I've been walking down the same alley, snuck past roamers. And my feet felt like they were going to bust. I'm not stopping now though until I find a place where I can rest my head. Or at least make a pit stop.

I walk into the store with a wire fence around it, I open the door, stepping inside to see a table against the door, several bags of food and tubs of water.

I close the door, walking upstairs and into a small room, there was a mattress in the middle of the floor. I sit down. My back against the wall.

I open the dresser to see a letter.

Jesse....if you're reading this-I'm gone. My father had caught the fever so we're trying to get the help we need, the help he deserves. There is no us anymore. I was never yours and I never will be so don't bother looking for us, you're wasting your time. Our baby boy is in good hands so you don't have to worry.
-Amanda Kirk

I put the letter back. There was a black jacket, I slide it on, zipping it up only to leave a bit of my shirt out.

It's you lose something that was never yours in the first place. How you about go crazy about someone you don't deserve.

My mind goes back to when it was just the four of us, Damon, Hannah, Brian and me.

I lost myself.

Literally....I lost myself, I feel dead on the inside....I lost myself when Hannah was gone...I'm so done with this fucked up world.

I look down at the gun. This gun has become a part of me....from now on, I'm staying this way. I'm going to live.

I hear the undead, and a gunshot, I look out the window to see a woman, light brown skin, black hair in a low ponytail, she was running with a bag in her hand.

I hurry downstairs. This dumbass is going to get me killed.

I walk over to the door, whirling it open, pulling her inside with my hand clamped over her mouth, she bites into my hand and hard, drawing blood.

I shove her against the wall. She was about Daphne's height, I tower over her.

"Be quiet or you'll kill us both." I said, she glares at me. She had dark brown eyes, and bruises on her face, she grimaces then punches me in the face.

My head snaps to the side. I gave her one of my death glares. I pick her up, she throws punches to my head, I slam her on the table, her face strains in pain.

"Don't think because you're a woman that I won't kill you without a second thought." I said.

"Fuck you." She says, kicking me in the chest, she tries to kick me again but I drag her by her foot, causing her to fall on the ground.

I already want to kill her now.

She stands up, throwing wild punches into my chest, she's pretty strong....but not strong enough, I throw a punch upside her head, she staggers back, rolling her eyes to the back of her head.

"Shit." I mumble, I'm not about to have her ass be unconscious here.

I grab her shoulders and shook her violently, she takes a deep breath.

She glares at me.

"Listen dumbshit, you'll get us killed if you keep fighting me." I said.

"Why didn't you kill me?" She asks. Her voice was monotone, ordinary, she had a pear shaped body, she crosses her arms. She was prying for my answer.

"I never said I was going to spare you." I said.

"Asswhole." She says.

"Thanks! I try!" I said with a sick twisted grin then I roll my eyes.

I peer out the window. She gets behind me.

"We need to get out of here." She says.

"With what plan? I didn't know you this much of a dipshit until now." I said, she glares at me. I could see the fight in her. Her little glare is funny to me, if I'd knew she was this feisty I would've killed her easily.

She's completely defenseless though, strong but I'm stronger.

"Quit being a asswhole and help me." She says.

"Then what? Where will we go?" I ask. I turn around.

"Bitch." She mutters, I walk back over to her.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I said you're a bitch." She spoke up louder.

"Listen darling, I'm seconds away from killing you. So don't fucking piss me off, and maybe you won't die an excruciating death." I threaten, she looks up and me, balling up her fists.

"We can go the other way, behind the other two stores, I know where I parked my car." She suggest. I laugh, it was my cold laugh, Hannah was afraid of, Daphne was afraid of-hell, even my friends were scared of me deep down

She's competition, killing her would add a number on my bucket list.

"What?" She demands, I look down at her.

"You're a fucking idiot. I would've killed you once you've led me to the car and drive off with everything you own." I said, she glares at me again.

"We don't have time to sit down, drink coffee and get to know each other." She says.

"Ouch!" I said with fake enthusiasm.

"And second I could've taken you down if you try anything." She says boldly. I hold in a laugh.

"So you think you can take me down?" I ask, using my fingers to quote the sentence.

I'm going to kill her, but not now. For some reason I wanna see where this goes.

"You have no idea how much of a fucked up person I am." I said, she looks me in my eye.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"I'd tell you my name, but you won't live long enough to remember it's Dakota." I said with a twisted grin. As any girl would react, she looks disgusted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks.

"It means I'll strangle you if you cross me." I said, my hands are my biggest weapon, and it's what I'm going to use to kill her.

Nothing super personal, she's just a idiot. A threat-to my IQ.

"I'm Avery....have you seen my sister?" She asks, she shows me a picture of a girl with light brown skin, almost yellow, the girl had brown eyes, a feisty look on her face and her black hair was in a low ponytail.

"Haven't seen her." I said emotionlessly. Sad to say Avery won't live to see her sister.

"Now that we know each other can we go?" Avery asks impatiently. I fought the urge to wrangle her neck in the most excruciating way possible.

I let Avery run down the alley.

This woman is smart, she's competition, a good runner. But I can't get attached to her. Her ass is annoying. Since I'm going to kill her.

I might as well consider her dead.

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