Follow The Headlights

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I walk down the road, blood all over my clothes, I get surrounded by more of the undead, I grab my switchblade, one roamer tries to grab my arm, I pull the remaining of it's hair, stabbing it through the mouth, I back away, pulling another roamer closer and stabbing it through the eye socket.

I can feel my arm grow tired as I kick the third one by the knee, I stab through the forehead.

Once you start you never stop.

These...rotting....bastards eat anything with a beating heart.

One stab leads to another, until I find myself obliterating this roamer's skull, I breathe heavily, fighting the urge to yell.

I stand up as the streetlight flickers above my head. I slowly stand up.

I believe in you.

Of course she did, but I failed. Why didn't I end myself when I had the chance? No....I couldn't. When Brian was alive, he made sure I never had that opportunity again.

I stand up, then I turn around, looking at the cars ahead of me.

I don't even know what he did with Hannah....the shithead didn't even have the decency to bury her....he mentioned feeding her to those things....I hope he's feeling the pain she felt not too long ago.

I walk down the road, not even looking behind me, no matter how tempting it is.

I don't give a fuck anymore.

Hours went by as I kept walking down the road, soon, I found myself walking through a city street. It's quiet...there were a couple of skin eaters wandering around but everything else is silent.

I look over at a barricaded building, it had a small wire fence around it, I saunter towards the two story building, opening the door slowly, it's just another apartment. Another fucking apartment.

I walk down the hallway, hearing the old wood creak under my heavy but slow footsteps, I close the door. I'm going to kill anyone who steps foot inside this place, I don't care.

I walk upstairs, and into one of the few old rooms, I look around. It was full of pictures of girls hanging out together, I scream.

"Hannah!!!!" I screamed.

I always have a different way of being in pain, I screamed, threw things, fought anyone who tried to stop me.

I grab fistfulls of my hair, hunching over the drawer. I grab the jewelry box, throwing it to the wall, I look at the mirror, at the old photos of the same girl I see.


Blood was all over my neck and shirt, my hair is wet and matted from me sweating, I scoff.

"I'm a fucking mess." I mutter, who am I to think I deserve to be happy? To be be normal?

I storm out of the room, I open the door to see two roamers feasting on someone, her black hair was tousled over the floor. I let a sick grin grow across my face, I grab my switchblade. They both look at me, flesh and blood in their mouths, they slowly get up but I stab one of them through the forehead, shoving it on the floor. The other one walks towards me, I force it against the wall, then I stab him, after that, I find myself stabbing him with a cold stare on my face.

I step away, turning around to see a man holding his hands up.

"Woah woah..." He says, lowering his hands.

"D-don't kill me." He begs, he opens his bag, rolling two apples towards me.

"Leave." I warn.

"I can't....they'll eat me..." He says.

"I don't recall giving a fuck." I said carelessly. I walk up towards him.

He pulls out a gun, his hands shake rapidly, I look him in the eye.

"What are you gonna do if I don't????" He asks, I grab him by the collar of his shirt, pinning him against the wall, I let my grip tighten around my switchblade.

"You shouldn't underestimate strangers." I grumble, I use my switchblade, lightly dragging it over his stomach, I point it at his eye.

"I could cut your baby blue eye out, then give you a nice massage while you bleed out....then I'll just start with your fingers. Then I'll just tie you up, toss you outside and let the dead have at you." I said with a cold stare.

Just from saying that, I could tell this boy just pissed himself.

"But you wouldn't right?" He asks.

"Depends on you." I said.

"Fuck you man." He growls.

I close my eyes. "I'm just fucking with you." I said coldly, letting him go

"I knew you wouldn't do it." He says smugly.

He bends over to pick up the apples, revealing a big roamer bite on his ankle.

I shove him against the wall.

"You're bit." I said.

"It's nothing...." He says,

Daxton told me that if you're're as good as the dead...when I got a bit sick.

Daxton may be a fucking douchebag but he never lied about this stuff.

"Bullshit." I growl.

He pulls a switchblade from his pocket, I glare at him, he shakes as he runs towards me, swinging the blade, hollering curse words. He cuts me in the forehead, I grab his wrist, he headbutts me, causing the back of my head to hit the mirror. I shove him against the wall again, covering his mouth with my bloody hand. He pounds his fists into my shoulders but its no use. I move my hand from his mouth.

"I'll kill you!" He yells as he kept hitting me.

I cover his mouth again then stabbed him in the stomach, then I let him fall to the ground.

"Just from've decided your fate." I said, he coughs out blood.

"Those things-"

"The undead. You're their next meal." I said.

"" He manages to say, clutching his bloody stomach.

"Say what you want." I grunt, I drag him by both of his feet, he claws the ground as I pulled him across the ground, down the stairs and down another hall, I grab my belt, pulling it off and wrapping it around his ankles, binding them together.

I kick him into the street.

"You're a piece of shit!" He yells.

You started it. He fucking cut me...

"Oh, I know." I said, turning my back against him as he screams.

"I'm sorry!" He yells but I didn't look back at him.

I know this is fucked up, I know it is. But you know what? I'm not living in denial, I'm a fucked up person, and that is the truth.

The Evolution of Dakota Graves Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant