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Diesel lead us away from the direction in which 'Red' had gone. My skin still tingles at the thought of barely getting by without being seen, and from kissing Diesel. The area we reserve to has smaller boats that seat fewer passengers. The sound of weak waves slosh their sides and nothing but dim lights illuminate this seldom used area. Once at a safe distance away, Diesel radios the yacht. While he is doing this I ponder how we could possibly observe what Red is doing here but without being spotted.

"I'm coming out to meet you. Don't move." Garret commands us over the radio.

Deisel clips the device back to his waistband and he grumbles, "Sometimes I think my brother forgets that we can keep our own selves safe. Look, we managed to not be seen just minutes ago."

I raise an eyebrow, "That was too close. If that man had just taken a second longer to take a look at us he definitely would've caught us."

He nods with a bleak expression, "It's my fault that our cover was almost blown. I should've detected him sooner. We have gained an advantage by having tricked them into thinking we've gone back home."

Something pops into my mind right as he finishes the statement. Since our enemy no longer considers us a posing threat then that gives them the 'all-clear' to go ahead with the moving to Cuba.

"Diesel, what if they're doing it tonight? Maybe that's why Red's here."

"There's no way to tell if the ship here is the decoy or the real-'

I blurt out, "Don't you see? They think we aren't a problem any more so there is no point in creating a diversion. If Red is here, then that proves that the ship is in these docks. The real one."

Diesel's eyes widen, "We need to see where he's gone off to."

"My thoughts too. Since it's dark enough to keep you camouflaged, you can keep an overhead view. I'll stay down here to keep an eye as well." I inform him.

He pauses, "You sure you want to be down here?"

I roll my eyes, "Since the age of nine, I journeyed around Melark at night, every night. This is nothing. I'm a pro at blending into shadows."

Without further words we separate. He leaves to find a secluded place to shift while I stick to the shadows as I make my way back towards the inhabited part of the docks. The entire walking path is brightly lit with tall lamps. Not a single shadow is available for me to stay to. Growling to myself, I take a right down one of the narrow walkways. My only way to get to where Red has gone is by that lightened path.

Plan B, hop the boats as a way of traveling.

My eyes sweep over the surrounding boats to search for any watchers. None are spotted. Quickly, I step onto the flat platform of one of large boats. In the distant a thumping noise reverberates through the air. A sign that music is being played somewhere. This isn't a surprise. Tourists constantly live for a great time while at the beach. I was one of those people when I first arrived. I am only stung by the reminder of my lost vacation.

I take a breath as I square my shoulders. What I am doing now is so much bigger than a self-centered beach trip.

Smiling, I break out into a run. My skill of running doesn't disappoint me yet. As the front of the boat comes to a point, I ready myself. Right as I'm about to run out of deck I bunch my legs and spring forward. The boat is left behind and water now lies below me as I'm mid-air. Setting my eyes straight ahead, I swing my lower body forward. The opposite boat now awaits me. With a satisfying thump I stick the landing. Now the excitement begins flowing through me. I run forward and do the action again. This time the distance between the boats causes me to strain myself. I come to another perfect landing.

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