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Diesel's POV...

There is no way to escape without having someone's help. That's the problem though. No one knows where I am.

My internal clock signifies that it's likely around noon or one o'clock. I've been in here for hours. My wrists are getting sore.

When my horn broke off last night I had no choice but to shift back into a human. I had suddenly felt weak. Like I had run a marathon. If they hadn't been so close, I likely could've slipped away and hid in the endless amounts of crates nearby. Instead they had pinned me down and dragged me here to this room.

For the past endless hours my wrists have been clamped against the wall above my head with metal devices. Even if I was in my best shape, I would not be able to free myself of them.

The room is lit with florescent lights and it almost looks like a kitchen. You wouldn't think such a place existed in this warehouse-like place.

I need a plan.

My eyes search the considerably large room. There doesn't look to be anything sharp lying around. Not that I could reach for it and use it as a weapon anyway. The only thing I can do is stand up awkwardly.

Seriously, this looks hopeless. The clamps holding each wrist against the wall are fastened with locks. It has been so long since someone came in here. It's only a matter of time till they come.

That's what worries me the most. They have their shapeshifter now and there is no telling what they'll do.

One of Ash's pointless jokes would be an uplift right now.

My eyeslids are starting to droop. It's been over twenty-four hours since I slept. I haven't dared trying to sleep in this state, but the longer I go the less simple it is to keep awake.

I really wish I had Olivia's ability to last hours without sleep.

It's easy to imagine that Olivia is out there trying to figure out where I am, but with all my heart I hope she doesn't. The thought of her ending up in my position hurts. The possibility of having Olivia, Garret, Felicity or even Ash next to me in that other set of clamps scares me.

It scares me just as much as when the door far across the room clicks open. My hands pull against the clamps involuntarily. Fear begins to rise up from my stomach and into my chest.

The skinny red headed man from earlier walks in as if everything is completely normal. My eyes narrow at him in anger and I am more than awake now. So far he has ignored my presence.

My attention stays glued to him as he walks over to one the counters along the wall. Cabinets hang above the stone countertops. From my view on the floor, I can see a faucet which indicates that there is a sink underneath it.

Red goes to the sink and washes his hands thoroughly. Then with a slow easy movement he turns toward me silently. We stare at each other for a long moment. My gaze doesn't dare break away from his. Any signs of further weakness could mean so much in my situation.

Without breaking the stare he grabs a small box nearby and pulls out two rubber gloves. Finally, Red turns away and opens one of the cabinets. A few strange items are set down on the counter. I strain to see, but my angle keeps me from surveying.

My ears pick up the sound of him putting on the gloves. My nervousness is growing increasingly by the second.

"Well, Garret, it appears you're in a tight situation." Red says sarcastically.

I hold my tongue and let him do the speaking. At least he still thinks I'm my brother.

Red swivels back around to look at me. The items he pulled out of the cabinet are now in his hands. A few steps later he's in front of me. I glare up at him hatefully. With a quick movement he's crouched in front of me.

"Have you ever given blood before?" Red asks.

I stare at him blankly.

"You know. Have you ever donated blood before?" He restates his question.

My hands form into fists and I want nothing more than to whip that satisfied expression from his face. I wish I could shift right here and free myself, but ever since my horn broke off I've felt sore all over. My bones feel like their bruised.

The next thing I see is a large needle connected to a tube that runs to a clear bag. Red takes a cap off of the needle's head.

I lean forward as far as possible and growl in his face, "Dont. You. Dare."

Red doesn't even care to look at me, "It's been said that the secret to a shifter's ability is in the blood. I think otherwise. It's obviously much deeper than that. A person can't alter their whole entire form by just having special blood."

"Then why-?"

I'm cut off, by Red "We all have to start somewhere, don't we?"

Before I can retort, the needle is plunged into my left arm. I inwardly cringe.

"Of course, we have your professor, but he is a very quiet man. Doesn't like to talk all that much. We understand that he knows more about shifters than just about anyone." Red goes on.

"Where is he?" I demand as I ignore the needle in my arm.

Red chuckles, "He's in a much better situation than you are in at the moment."

I can tell the knuckles on my fists have turned white even though I can not see them. My anger comes to a boiling point and I take action before I can think twice. My left leg kicks out and slamps into his chest. While he's distracted I turn my head toward my arm and grab onto the needle with my teeth. With a quick pull I jerk the needle out.


The needle drops to the floor at the same time Red returns. I almost regret my decision. I'm still absolutely defenseless.

"Boy, are we going to have a cooperation problem here?" He barks sharply.

I spit back, "Yes. Yes, we are."

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