Monsters and Men

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Mare left the motel room at 4 in the morning. She walked outside and called Johnny. He, hopefully, was awake.

He answered within seconds. "Morning Mare." He said with a light mood.

"You sound happy." Mare said. She held concern in her tone.

"I'm on the beach, I just flew in on a private jet, and I've already had a few drinks. I am great, Mare. Whatcha need?" He asked.

"Daisy told me she loved me."

"Well, as long as you didn't fuck her... You did though, didn't you?"

She picked nervously at the paint on the metal post holding up the sign in front of the motel. "I'm a slut, of course I did."

"You're not a slut," Johnny sighed, "You're coping. Like I cope with alcohol and Greg coped with heroin. Your coping is more personal though. Have you ever considered fucking people you don't see regularly?" He asked.

"I considered it, it just didn't seem as fun." Mare tried to joke. "Johnny, what do I do?" She asked with a serious hush over her breath.

Johnny was silent for a second. "Tell her to hold it off until I get back. It'll be by the end of this week." Johnny said. Mare rubbed her throbbing head.

"I'll try it. Where's the money, just in case?" she asked.

"Bank. In your new name, congratulations Abigail Sonata Welch, you now have half a billion with your name on it in a safe deposit box. Credentials and the lot in the special pocket of your leather jacket." Johnny said. "I've got to go, kid. Don't do anything stupid." He said, she assumed he had a smile.

"You be smart too, man." She said and hung up. She thanked her lucky stars for Johnny.

In the room, Daisy slept with her hands propped under her head like a child's. Mare looked at her and thought of Julien. They were made for each other. Both madness, both cracking. They tried to hide it, but it was out. Julien was a serial killer and Daisy was afraid of a life without the attention of him. Mare knew that Daisy did not love her. Mare knew that she thought that love was real. Mare knew.

As they rode back to town, Mare hummed quietly with the radio. "How did you know about that place, it's out of the way. Like Overlook kind 'out of the way'." Daisy chuckled.

"Julien and I stayed there once." Mare said. At first, she didn't think about it, but then she imagined Daisy hating Julien. Finding out they had a long-term string of hookups. She wanted to bother Daisy. So, she started looking for a spark in Daisy's attention. All she had to do was dangle the bait in the water.

"Julien?" She asked. Mare felt the bite.

"Yeah, we stayed there one night." Mare said.

"Oh, you slept with him. Before or after me?" she asked.

"During. Four years ago. He showed it to us sooner, but he never stayed until I got him there." Mare played with Daisy's rising and falling joy.

"What was it like?" Daisy asked.

"Oh, he was great, really great. And he was so open. He told me some stuff and I really see him in a new light." Mare said attempting to stoke her jealous nature.

"What did he tell you, exactly?" She asked. Mare knew she was searching for those answers.

"Uh-just stuff about his childhood and his thoughts, some goals. I saw a whole new Julien then. Someone I never though existed." Mare said.

"Can you tell me?" Daisy asked.

"He hasn't told you?" Mare asked.

"No, we don't usually talk. It's weird because I don't think he knows me at all." Daisy said softly. "What did he tell you about?"

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