A Wretched Affair

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"Do you know where you're going?" Daisy asked Mare who wrapped her coat against her body with a tight grasp on the folds. Mare fell around, stumbling up the busy streets. When the lights hit her eyes, she was afraid for a second, but couldn't think too much on it.

"There are a million places to go, why would I pick one?" Mare asked mocking the question. Her head spun around on its axis as she looked across the street. She saw the headlights of taxis and taillight a of resident's, but they all blurred around her. "Why are you following me?" Mare slurred in Daisy's direction.

"Because I care." Daisy said trying to pull Mare closer in on the sidewalk.

"Is it because we fondled in the shower?" Mare laughed, again, mocking Daisy. She hiccupped and looked around again, her throat scratching. Daisy shook her head with disapproval.

"You're an ass." Daisy said. She wanted to leave Mare, but she didn't know what the girl would do. Daisy, feeling as if she was older, therefore wiser, knew she had to stay with the drunken child standing in front of her spinning her head on its end.

"At least I'm not a murderer." Mare testified. Daisy turned her head as if she had heard a gunshot. Mare looked to her with vacant eyes. "Joking." Mare laughed. "I'm gonna ask you a question." Mare said.

"Ask." Daisy said walking closer to Daisy.

"Why do you care? What do you want from me?" she asked turning her head on its side, looking to Daisy with interest. She knew the game she was playing with Daisy, she'd played it well. Grab attention from the emotional side and you've got it from the rest of the woman.

"I'm not talking about this."

"You already started on the topic, let's keep it rolling." Mare tested further.

"No." Daisy said turning away and walking further down the street.

Mare yelled her way as she strutted. "Come on Daisy, I know you're not just caring or loving. You don't want to make sure I get home safe, you're not a babysitter, so what do you want?" Mare played with Daisy, pulling at her pieces, plucking her strings. "C'mon Daisy." She yelled.

Daisy spun on her heel and stormed to Mare. Mare smiled as she waited on the rain to hit. "I don't care! I hope you get hurt!" She yelled. Mare smiled at her temperament. "You're a child. You're dopey, you drink, and you don't care about anyone or anything. I don't see why Julien keeps you around!"

"Spend a night in the sheets with me and you'll see." Mare laughed. Daisy groaned angrily.

"You..." Daisy began snarling. She stopped, which confused Mare. Daisy placed herself in front of Mare, so close that every cloud of breath they each gave off intertwined with the other's. Daisy reached up and brought Mare's face to her own, lips to lips, carefully holding each other. Mare's stunned hands reached around Daisy's waist and into her jacket. She felt the little patch of skin on her back that was left uncovered by her intricate dress. Daisy held the back of Mare's neck. They stood on the street kissing for what felt like ages. Mare pushed Daisy back, something Daisy didn't expect.

"I want more." Daisy demanded.

"I know a place." Mare said.

Mare threw Daisy's coat across the room and pushed her back onto the bed. Daisy propped up on her elbows watching Mare pull of her own coat and dropping it to the floor. She crawled over and lay over Daisy, reaching into her dress. She felt her fingers eagerly ripping the fabric. Daisy pulled the dress over her head. Mare reached down into her underwear and pulled them down. Daisy reached down to Mare's jeans and undid the button while attempting to push them down. Mare helped her and pulled them over her legs and threw them behind her. Daisy kissed Mare's neck. Mare felt around in Daisy's bra and gripped tightly on the soft skin she felt. Mare's hips pushed against Daisy, sending her through a mix of all types of adrenaline. She grabbed Mare's thigh and held on tight to the muscle that flexed the more Mare moved. She began to break up their kisses from Daisy's lips, letting go over her lower lip erratically sending Daisy's head back wildly. Her hands played around in her underwear. She kissed over Daisy's jaw and across her neck, carefully traced her collar bones, over the fabric of the bra which she reached behind Daisy to undo. When she pulled it off, she sucked at the skin between her breasts and moved further down until she was to Daisy's underwear.

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