Missing Pt.3

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"Please Johnny," I said, my voice breaking,"Don't ever leave me again for that long..."      

He replied with a shaky and hesitant promise but somehow... I couldn't believe him.


As we slowly walked home, questions kept running through my head, giving me a small headache.

"Are you hungry?" I asked quietly.


Then the rest of the way was silent. Very uncomfortable silence.

What had happened? Was he lying? Was he kidnapped and were they threatening him with death if he told anyone? Was he cheating on me? He said he wasn't but he could be lying. Why did he smirk when he said he was going to tell me soon? I know I'm only 16 and he's only 18 but what if he proposes or something? Nah, that could never happen... could it?

We reached the front door and I opened it for him.

Wait... where did he even come from? How did he find me? I wasn't too close to the house.

When we walked in, Dally looked over and smiled but looked back down at the TV. Why wouldn't he greet Johnny? Dally cares almost for Johnny almost as much as I do, he's like a little brother to him. He wasn't even upset that Johnny was gone, he played it as if it was nothing. It... have they been meeting up? Dally hasn't been around as much as usual.

Ugh... I feel... dizzy, I thought as I fumbled to catch myself on the wall from tripping over my feet.

"You alright Pone?" Johnny asked with worry. I nod my head, walking out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom to grab some headache pills.

As soon as I reach the bathroom, I accidentally slam the door closed by falling into it and landing on my butt. I groan as my stomach bubbles with harsh chemicals. I grasp the bathroom sink and pull myself up, careful not to loose my balance this time. Opening the cabinet, I find the pills and quickly take some, setting myself down on the closed toilet lid and holding my head in my hands. Why do I feel so sick all of a sudden?

What is happening to me....? 

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