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Ponyboy's POV

As Johnny and stepped into the elevator, I immediately felt the walls closing in. I grabbed his hand for comfort.

"It's okay Pony, it's only a short ride. You'll be fine," Johnny said calmly as he caressed my cheek.

He pressed the button to go up and the doors shut and the elevator started moving.

I started counting under my breath.




Breath in




breath ou-

The machine came to a hard stop that made us lose our balance but quickly regain in. It made a horrid groaning sound. The lights started to flicker and then the power went out, leaving only the emergency light on.

Onetwothreefourfivesixseven- oh god.

We're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die!!

"Pony? Pony! Calm down, it's okay!" Johnny snaps me out of my thoughts and I realize I was on the floor, huddled in the corner.

My cheeks are stained with tears as I rock back and forth, panicking greatly on the inside as we wait for help to come.

Johnny pulls me into a hug, trying to calm me down with sweet words but it doesn't work this time.

I stand up and pull at my hair frantically,"J-Johnny what I-is g-gonna happen?! A-are they c-coming to help u-us?!" I practically scream.

He grabs my face and makes me look at him. My watery emerald green eyes looking into his calm wavy brown eyes.

"They are coming to help us. We're safe. It's okay. We're going to be alright, Pony." I take a few more shaky breaths and wipe away my tears.

He wraps his arms around me and holds me, we just stay like that for awhile. That only calmed me down because I knew I was safe in his arms.

The elevator makes a large beep sound, making me jump. I feel it start moving down and it stops smoothly. The doors open to reveal the first floor and workers and other people that looked like mechanics for elevators or something.

"Are you boys alright?" A large man comes up to us and I read his name tag. He's the manager to this place, Gerald King.

"Y-yeah, thanks..." I reply, attaching myself to Johnny.

"I'm so sorry that this happened to you," he gives us a face of guilt and sympathy.

"It's alright, but if you don't mind, we'll be on our way back home." Johnny then pulls me away before Gerald could get a chance to respond.

"I love you, Johnny," I blurt out as we walk down the sidewalk.

"I love you too, Ponyboy," he says back, giving my hand a light squeeze.

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