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Ponyboys POV

I sneeze as I'm cuddled into the couches side, freezing.

Why is it so cold? It's only the end of August. Sniffling a bit, a cough erupts from my throat and Soda pokes his head in from the kitchen.

"You alright Pony?"

I nod in response, not bothering to vocally do it.

A few minutes later I sneeze three times in a row, sniffling immediately after.

I close my eyes and rest my head back on the couch arm, sleep overtaking me.
"Hey Pony, Ponyboy, wake up." A voice says in my ear. I open my eyes and see Johnny standing before me.

"Hey Johnnycake." My voice sounds like I'm stuffed up.

"Are you sick?" He asks, sitting next to me, wrapping his arms around me, warming me a bit.

"No, I don't think so, why?"

"Because you have the symptoms of having a cold." He smiles slightly.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine" I say right as I sneeze twice.

"Pony, you're constantly sneezing, coughing, and your getting hit with exhaustion. You're sick." He stated.

"Okay, fine I might be sick but it's just a small cold, it'll go away soon." I brush the facts off like crumbs. He gives me a denying look and I give him a 'what' face.

He stands up and I close my eyes for a second and the next thing I know is that I'm in Johnny's arms, being carried into my room.

"What are you doing?"I say as I snuggle into his chest.

"Carrying you to your room so you can get some rest." He sets me down under the blankets.

"But I'm not tired-" I say as I yawn.

"Goodnight Pony" He's about to walk away when I grab his arm and pull him down.

He laughs,"What are you doing?"

"Come lay with me, warm me up. You're really warm." I lazily reply.

He crawls in next to me after taking off his jacket and shoes, and I snuggle in his chest as if it were my life source.

Heat radiates off of him and it warms my freezing body, not including my hands.

I put my hands on his chest trying to warm them, it succeeding.

"You cold Pone?" He asks while playing with my un-greased hair.

"More like freezing my fingers off." I shiver. He wraps his arms around me, enveloping me in a great warm bear hug.

"That's better" I mumble as I close my eyes, and slowly drift off into a world with no Greasers or Socs, no sickness, and most importantly, no problems.

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