Unexpectedly, Lucas quickly darted his eyes away from mine , breaking out eye contact. He looked down , ashamed . Gently , I put my hand carefully under Lucas' chin , lifting his head up slightly.
"Ness...I don't want to-" Lucas was about to explain but cut himself of.
"Everything is okay . You don't need to worry ." I reassured , putting both of my hands to Lucas' cheeks. "I will protect you ."
"But I can't protect you ... or even myself." Lucas cried as he turned his head to pull away.
"No , don't think like that ." I demanded
"But it's true isn't it." Lucas said softly.
"Oh Lucas ." I sighed as I brought his face closer to mine. "You said it yourself, we'll work together. We'll both do our best ." I whispered.

Before Lucas had a chance to reply , I gently put my lips to his and kissed him. Suddenly , Lucas took hold of my wrists. His touch sent tingles down my spine as a strong floral scent flooded the area. Lucas' eyes stared to lower however, he was still entranced by my eyes (Or the fact that we were still kissing). Eventually, Lucas' eyes were completely shut. I slowly pulled away. Seeing Lucas' smiling face was a huge relief.
"I love you ." He whispered
"I love you too dork." I laughed . Lucas giggled in response , resting his head back down onto the pillow.
"I bet you're gonna want a lie in ." I joked as I got to my feet.
"Correct." Lucas yawned, rolling onto his back.
"I'll only be downstairs if you need me ." I explained. Lucas gave me a sweet smile as he slowly shut his eyes.

Quickly, I shuffled out of the room, not wanting to disturb Lucas anymore.As soon as I got downstairs, I took a quick glance at the clock. "Only half eight." I sighed to myself. I have to admit I was pretty excited for Lucas' training . I wanted to see what Ninten would do in a situation like this. I let out a long sigh at the thought of everything I had to do. Everything I didn't want to do. As I let myself collapse onto the couch , my mind flooded with questions.
"I bet this is how Lucas constantly feels ." I thought to myself.

Eventually, I dosed if into a light sleep. I never usually dream of anything but today was an unexpected exception.

I could feel , dry , crispy grass under my hands as I lay on the ground , sprawled out . I woke up in a daze , even pushing myself up off of the ground felt like a lot of effort. As I looked up , I noticed an army of sunflowers surrounded me. Their heads were tilted down, looking straight at me as an aura of unease flooded my body. Even standing up, the sunflowers towered over me , intimidatingly. I was so confused. I had no clue where I was or where I was supposed to be going .

Strangely, a familiar scent became very prominent in the atmosphere as I looked around for a path. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one so I decided to weave in and out of the sunflower, hoping that I would eventually find something or someone.

Eventually, I came to a clearing , free of flowers. However, the grass was practically climbing up my legs as the wind started to push against me , taking me back a few steps.

All of a sudden, I managed to catch a glimpse of someone lying in the grass. They seemed to be unconscious. Quickly, I ran over to help . I kneeled next to the boy , who had his back to me. The boy's vibrant ginger hair seemed messy and the bottom of his yellow and blue shirt was ripped. "Hey...Are you Okay?" I asked . The boy didn't reply. I noticed that he wasn't breathing. Panicked, I quickly grabbed one of the boy's arms to check his pulse. To my surprise, his arm was covered in deep cuts and bruises. Luckily, his wounds weren't bleeding as I continued to check if he was alright.

He didn't have a pulse. The boy was dead.

I quickly shuffled back in fear as I could hear my heat pounding frantically. My legs felt weak as I tried to get up . Eventually, I got to my feet however, I was feeling very sick as I carefully edged away from the body. I started to cry uncontrollably as I ran in the opposite direction. I didn't know where I was going , nor did I care . I just wanted to get away. Without warning, my knees gave way and I dropped to the floor. Without any motivation to get up , I let myself pass out.

Washed Up Wonder (NessXLucas) Where stories live. Discover now