Chapter nineteen

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"So I think we should do something fun before tonight. Remember that makeover we talked about?" Barbara asked excited.

"Yes?" Elena answered curiously.

"I bought red hair dye!" Barbara said with and pulled out the box. Elena laughed and shook her head.

"It's going to be so different because I have never colored my hair. I just hope Jerome will like it." Elena said a bit worried. They sat in the bathroom as Barbara applied the dye. Jerome and the other boys where out getting everything they needed for the gala. Elena and Barbara laughed and joked around while they applied the dye. As the color was processing they shared so many things about them selves to each other.

"So I met Jim's girlfriend in Arkham, Lee Thompkins. She was the reason you were locked up right?" Elena asked. Barbara sat on the bench with her legs crossed and let out a sigh.

"Yeap, plus me killing my parents. But I tried to kill her too, unfortunately that bitch knocked me out." she said annoyed before looking over at Elena, "Me and Jim are meant for each other. But frankly he is just to dumb to see it. He should understand I just tried to kill Lee for our relationship's sake." Barbara explained. Elena nodded and answered "I totally agree."

They rinsed the color out and Barbara curled and styled it. As Elena walked up to the mirror she could not not recognize herself and she threw her hand over her mouth.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" Elena said shocked as the stared at herself.

"I'm secretly a professional hairdresser." Barbara said as she flipped her hair back. Then Tabitha walked in looking angry as always. She stood there with crossed arms and glared at them both.

"Red, really? Not your color." she said with a smirk. Elena frowned and felt herself getting angry as she stood straight and stared at her.

"What is your problem, Tabitha? I haven't done anything to you, and you still act like a bitch."

Tabitha laughed with a sarcastic laugh. Just her attitude were so bitchy. And she totally ignored Elena's question.

"You know you were kidnapped, right? Or did you forget? That's the only reason why you are here. Is sad really that you think Jerome actually likes you." she said trying to provoke her.

Barbara was just about to say something but something snapped in Elena's head. She grabbed Tabitha by her ponytail and pulled her down which made her scream in pain, but she didn't care. When her personality switched there was only one thing that controlled her, anger. Plus it was about time Elena spoke up to her. She held her by the hair as the moved closer to her face and stared her dead in the eyes. Barbara stood there just enjoying the show, she just missed the popcorn.

"You're just a jealous and pathetic bitch, you know that right? What, you're mad because I can easily get both Jerome and Barbara?" Elena snapped at her. Tabitha's eyes widened and her face got totally red of anger and embarrassment. Elena was not dumb. She knew their story because Barbara had told her everything. And Elena wasn't gay, but she had way more chances with Barbara than Tabitha.

Tabitha tried to grab Elena but she quickly reacted and dodged her. She tightened her grip around her hair which made Tabitha gasp and then she threw her into the wall. And before Tabitha could even react Elena tightened her fist and punched her in the face with all the strength in her entire body. It felt so good to finally shut her up and put her in her place. Tabitha quickly placed her hand over her nose and realized Elena had broken it plus it was bleeding badly. Elena expected her to murder her or a least hit her back, but she actually ran out of the room surprisingly crying. Elena turned around and shook her hand because it hurt after hitting Tabitha so hard. Barbara's jaw almost fell to the floor because the was so shocked by what just happened.

"That. Was. Epic!" she said throwing her hands up. Elena laughed and felt pretty good about herself. She never thought she would ever get the nerve to do that. Maybe she would get some more respect now, and hopefully Theo wouldn't place a bullet in her head. Jerome entered the room and Elena turned around smiling.

"Jerome!" she said excited. He stood there staring for a second and his jaw dropped. As he stared at her new hair color he got pretty excited. She had never looked hotter.

" look gorgeous. And it's red, just like mine!" he said excited and it made Elena giggle.

"Thank you, it was Barbara's idea." she said and played with her hair. Jerome noticed the blood on her hand and his smile turned to a frown.

"What's that? Hair dye?" he asked curiously and pointed at her hand. Elena looked at her hand then she smiled satisfied.

"I punched Tabitha in the face. Think I broke her nose, but she had it coming."

Jerome smiled from ear to ear.

"Really? About time! HAHAHA." he said laughing, "Well we should get ready for the gala, let's go and have a little fun." Jerome said.

Ahh they are goals i swear. I really hope you enjoy the story! If you vote and comment it will make me very happy!


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