Chapter 2 - Jairon

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  • Dedicated to A Certain boy at my school.....

About 12 days after the incident we called “massive” for short instead of “the killing of 20 innocent school pupils and 5 teachers” so as you can imagine we got a bit tongue tied trying to say it every time, the police office was silent apart from the tapping of keyboards and busy investigators . I walked into my office to see my boyfriend, jairon, sat on my desk waiting for me to go on our 2nd date. He had beautiful blue eyes which sparkled in the sun and his light ginger hair was caressing his slightly tanned face and don’t even get me started on his freckles. I grabbed the keys to my silver Mercedes and took Jairon’s hand tightly whilst walking to the car. We settled in our seats, Jairon giving me kiss on my cheek; I started to drive off, back to my house. On the journey there I couldn’t help thinking about the poor children and possible parents that were shot them 12 days ago, how distraught their parents must be. When I have kids I will do everything in my power to protect them. Jairon and I have already had the children talk and I know that he’s the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Once we got back I put on some black pumps with skinny jeans and a tank top with “loved” written on it, nothing special because our special one is next time (just like our first). We went to napoleons’ diner just around the corner to have lasagne and just the perfect night afterwards. We were bored after eating so we went home to lie on my bed and dream the night away. We kissed for a while before lying there listening to Justin bieber – U Smile but the acoustic version because it’s better. I was lying in Jairon’s arms looking up at the mirror on the ceiling we had fitted a while back only because it looked nice not anything else……. He always looked perfect no matter what, where or who he was with. I was definitely in love! ***

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