The Apartment

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"Dear Lily and Marshall, I don't know if you know this, but I never took your names off the lease. Well, today, I took my name off it. The apartment... is now yours and I think I've found what to do with Robin's old room. You see, for me, this place had begun to feel haunted. At first I thought it was haunted by Robin, but I now think it was haunted by me. Well, no ghost is at peace until it finally moves on. I need a change, and I think you do too. This apartment needs some new life, so please, make our old home your new home. It is now ghost-free. Love, Ted."  -Ted Mosby

The apartment is the place where most of the cast have lived over the nine seasons.

The building is in the Upper West Side and is opposite the 86th Street subway. The apartment is above MacLaren's bar.It is located on the third floor and has two bedrooms. It is apartment 4C. With the apartment there is also access to the roof.

Marshall and Ted rented the apartment together when they left college and moved to New York. Lily didn't officially live there until she lost her apartment. Then Marshall and Lily got married and moved to Dowisetrepla but they ended up staying in the apartment because their new one was crooked. Then in the episode Intervention they all begin to move out but Stella ends up jilting in Shelter Island, Ted leaving him the only one in the apartment but Robin ends up moving in with nowhere to stay after moving back from Japan. Robin moves out of the apartment in No Pressure and then Ted moves out in Karma leaving the Eriksen family free to move in and escape their lives in the suburbs. In 2015 Marshall and Lily are still living in the apartment.


Marissa Heller (former- pre-HIMYM)

Ted Mosby (Season 1 to Season 7)

Marshall Eriksen (Season 1 to Season 4 and Season 8)

Lily  Aldrin (Season 1 to Season 4 and Season 8)

Robin Scherbatsky (Season 4 to Season 7)

Marvin W. Eriksen (Season 8)

All members of the gang have lived in the apartment except from Barney but he has slept there at least three times as seen in the episodes Murtaugh, The Pineapple Incident and Blitzgiving. There have been many other guests to stay in the apartment such as Mickey Aldrin, Judy Eriksen, Marvin Eriksen Sr., Hammond Druthers, Punchy and many more.

One New Years Eve Barney and Ted turn the apartment into their long lived dream of a bar "Puzzles".

Comment below extras etc. Stinson Out!

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