Chapter one

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(Y/N) POV.

I was at my friends birthday party and her mom and dad were out getting pizzas for us. "Sooooooo, what's going on with u and T.J" one of my friends said. "Omg were only 10 I'm not interested in any boys that's gross," I said to my friend. "Any ways we are just friends that's it." We talked for about 5 more minutes until we heard loud noises and my friends parents came running in the house. "Get your stuff and let's go." My friends mom and dad said. "Why." I said with a worried expression on my face. They didn't say anything thing so I followed the orders.

All 5 of us packed into a mini van ( 3 kids and 2 adults). Over the radio it said there was a safe zone in Atlanta Georgia. "Seriously! Atlanta Georgia. That's really far away! There is no safe zone in Iowa or anywhere closer!" My best friend mother yelled. (Your from Iowa)

(Time one week)

(Y/N) POV.

It's been a week we started to head to Atlanta. We are almost there but I really miss my family. We stopped at my house when we were in Iowa. And well my mom, dad, brother, and sister were dead ( if you don't have a brother or sister just pretend :3). I went to sleep with my family on my mind.

I woke up to a sun shine in my eyes. It was really annoying. So I flipped over on my stomach. When I was just about to go back to sleep my friend woke me up. "Wake up (Y/N)! We are right outside of Atlanta!" I groaned and struggled to get up. (I don't know about you but I hate mornings, it sucks when you have school and you can't wake up in the mornings XD. Anyways back to the story) I ate breakfast which was canned corn. It was a pretty bad breakfast.

We started to drive into Atlanta and well it wasn't really promising. We had to get out of the car because there was stuff in the roads blocking the way. "This doesn't like promising, we should get back to the car and drive away and forget the safe zone, there's probably not even one anymore." I said slightly angry. "Come on (Y/N) your always like this, you have no hope." One of my friends said alittle annoyed. I sighed and keep walking. We turned the corner and there was a whole bunch of walkers. One of my friends screamed, triggering the walking to fast walk to us (Lol "fast walk").

(Pls read author note)

I hope you guy like my first ever X Reader/post. I know it's trash but it's gunna get better no doubt about it. Heads up I'm gunna follow the tv show but after season 7 I'm making up my own time line thing like in the beginning (what I'm writing right now), because so far season 8 is airing right now and it's not a very good season so far. Also sorry for a short chapter. Author chan out :3 XD!!!!!!

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