My parents were both excellent, always supportive and having my back no matter what. They were also both doctors, and that is how they met, but for them, nothing mattered more than studies, and they had believed I would follow in their footsteps and become one as well, pushing me day and night to focus on nothing else. I didn't mind the idea of becoming a doctor either, but it wasn't my passion.

I am a writer, and I had always wanted to be an author. It was what I loved doing since I was a little kid. It was the only thing now that kept me sane. But my parents have always thought that becoming a writer isn't a career choice. They believed I would never be successful if I went into an industry like that. And so I agreed with their plan.
I opened my locker to grab my book for my second-period class, which was English. I adored English. It was one of my favourite subjects. Mrs. Lopez was always very kind to me. She was the only person I was comfortable sharing my writing with. She helped with many things when it came to writing.

I picked up the recent book we were reading, The Giver. That was on the top shelf of my locker when I was slammed against the locker by a hard pair of shoulders, causing me to drop my books to the floor. I heard the laughter of the people around me. I wasn't sure who exactly pushed me, but I wasn't surprised they did.

Ever since I moved here five years ago, it has been impossible for me to live a healthy life. I am being pushed around for the things I have never done. He had made my life a living hell. Preventing everyone and anyone from being my friend. He is making me suffer each year.

Liam has always hated me even before Noah, he hurt me every day when I arrived here. But after I started dating Noah, he stopped. Telling everyone else to stay and not hurt Noah, not me; it was never for me.

Liam was the king of the school. He controlled most of the school, and many are afraid of him. Liam was always like that.

But after Noah has died, the bullying had gotten worse. He blamed me for his death, and part of me agreed with him.

I walked into English class, my eyes fixed to the ground, praying no one will notice me. But it seemed like everybody did when someone reached their foot when I was walking down the row, making me fall face-first onto the floor.

I grabbed my books off of the floor and forced myself to act like it didn't matter, and ignored all the loud laughter that followed. I looked up to see the man I hated, the boy who bullied me everywhere I went, smirking down at me.

"Hey, loser. Move over," said one of the boys that I knew since middle school. He was nice back then, always helping me out, and we also went to the fall dance one year in middle school, and now I was nothing more than a piece of trash to him.

I ignored him, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing me weak. I got up, walked all way to the back where my usual seat is and sat down.

Liam didn't laugh; he smiled. The kind of smile that made extreme chills run up your spine. He was satisfied with the way he turned everyone against me. He wanted this from the beginning, and now he got that. His smile showed that. I wondered so many times before what I did to him that makes him hate me, what I did to deserve this Fate. I couldn't do anything because I was afraid of him—fear of what he might do if I did something he didn't like. I was living my life, fearful for my life because he was a devil in disguise. And now he had the perfect reason to hate me, and everyone else blames me.


I walked into the cafeteria with my head hung low, and the crowded people in that cafeteria were all laughing, talking, and some even fighting. They were much of a difference from how my life used to be just a couple of months ago. I was part of a group, and laughing and talking was something I used to do. And now it changed. I sat alone at a table behind where the most popular kids like Liam sat.

I dreaded sitting here every moment, but the other tables were all occupied by others. Nobody ever bothered to sit next to me or even tried to make conversation unless it was rude or something to hurt me.

Things have changed tragically now. I had once sat with everybody, and the boy I had loved sat with me. I remembered the silly jokes he made and the cute laughs he had when I began rambling about school.

I missed him.

I missed him every possible minute, and once again, I began crying. The tears spilled out of my eyes and onto the book I was reading.

I told myself countless times not to do something I hated doing, but I couldn't help it. Crying was the only way I could get the pain out every time I was reminded of him.

I suddenly felt a banana peel being thrown at me, jolting me to come back to reality. I looked up to see Liam staring right back at me as his friend behind him began laughing.

Isaac Brown. The childish boy was the one that threw the peel at me.

He was Noah's best friend, along with Liam.

Isaac was never kind to me either, and I heard the complaints he told Noah when he thought I wasn't listening. He ignored me as well and was always rude to me when I voiced my opinion on something. Isaac was attractive. He had dark brown hair and light eyes. His face was sculpted perfectly with a sharp jawline and big pink lips, and tiny freckles. He always wore flannel and cracking inappropriate jokes any chance he got. He lived by the quote. You only live once, and he was right. But he was also mean, rude, and annoying. He pushed me down the hall many times, tripped me in class. Laughed at me. Hurt me, bullied me, scared me, pranked me. He enjoys doing it, and his laughs after each thing he does are always genuine.

He doesn't feel guilty none of them do.


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Lots of love,

Just Another Girl

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