Chapter 10- New Day?

Start from the beginning

She shook that irritation off too, her eyes moving toward the window and the morning light slowly getting brighter in a chilly, damp Magnolia outside. Her attention landed on the distant outline of trees up the slope a little ways, blinking to see the leave turning red and orange and falling too.

.... That's right.... I almost forgot it was fall.... It'll be winter too soon...

She'd had so much going on she hadn't even... Noticed...

The sound of the door latch clicking against the frame made her turn her eyes away from the outside, Wendy peeking in around the door- her eyes lighting up as her gaze matched with Frea's. Frea lift a hand, smiling slightly with a small nod in the Little Dragon Slayer's direction,


"Frea!" Wendy beamed, pushing inside in a sudden rush of excitement, the figures of Carla, Moon, and Erza behind her pulling into view as the door opened all the way to allow them in. "Oh, ah- good morning!" Wendy replied quickly, drawing up beside the bed happily, Frea laughed lightly under her breath.

"You're looking better." Moon murmured, hands on her hips and letting out a small breath of relief. Frea blinked, her head tilting slightly, "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, better than in a long time, actually." Frea replied, smiling slightly.

"That's good to hear." Both Carla and Wendy said in unison,

Frea's eyes trailed away from them toward the redhead who had slowly, stiffly, started walking in the door after having halted in the doorway for a moment- looking slightly stunned at having found Frea awake, and in all honesty- a little pained too, her eyes falling immediately to the bandages and the bruises and the damage. It had been bad since the beginning, but they were more visible now that Frea had sat up and the sheets weren't hiding the injuries as well.

Frea could feel the concern and the ache flicker from Erza easy enough, hesitation too- she smiled, throwing that smile Erza's way and earning a blink from the redhead.

It wasn't often Erza hesitated, and aside from that there was another emotion Frea had hardly ever felt from her too- Erza was anxious, very, very much so.

"Morning, Erza." Frea murmured brightly, "Long time no see, huh?"

Erza blinked, looking a little lost at the greeting, her eyes glinting slightly. Frea tilted her head slightly, smiling still as Erza seemed to hesitate a moment or two more.

Frea stiffened slightly, Erza leaning forward as she wrapped her arms around Frea ever so lightly, as if she was afraid of the contact and what pain could become of it- though at the same instant she almost didn't want to let go either. Frea blinked, sweatdropping and her heart jumping slightly at the rather uncommon action from the redhead, her arms moving up slowly to lightly rest on Erza's lower back as the redhead buried her nose in the crook of her neck.

"I am so relieved you're awake, Frea." Erza whispered, her voice low. Frea swallowed, feeling happiness and relief spark from her in tandem with pain and worry.

Just like everyone else in the Guild... Just like Chase, Wendy. Carla, and Moon, Gajeel.... Master.

She had to work hard not to flinch at that icy pain that flashed through her heart in the next instant, Erza would tell- and as it was the redhead easily felt the Energy Dragon Slayer stiffen underneath her, just a little. She wasn't quite sure why though.

"... yeah." Frea murmured softly, taking in a small, shallow breath to try and tone down the sudden throbbing. "... Sorry to worry you."

Erza pulled back slowly, shaking her head slightly as her hands fell on the bedside softly, "Don't be." Frea let out a silent breath at that, "How are you feeling?"

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